REXXLib System Operator Functions
- DOSCOPY(sourcename, [targetname], [mode], [options])
- copies the contents of ".sourcename". to ".targetname"
- "mode" ("R" - replace, "A" - append, "N" - no action) defines how to handle "targetname" if it already exists
- "options" ("V"), if present, controls content verification
- DOSFDATE(filename, [newdate], [newtime])
- changes the last write date and time of "filename" to "newdate" and "newtime"
- DOSMKDIR(pathname)
- makes the "pathname" directory
- fails if "pathname" includes intermediate directory names that do not exist
- DOSMAKEDIR(pathname)
- makes the "pathname" directory
- creates any intermediate directories specified in "pathname" if they do not already exist