Sample Programs for Class 2

Several sample programs related to the material covered in Class2 are described below. You can download the zipfile containing them by clicking here

The Run1 program executes a native OS/2 program passed as a command line argument. To use it:
  • Compile (javac
  • Execute with parameters - java Run1 program-name
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    The Run2 program executes multiple programs whose names are given as command line arguments. Each program is started in a separate thread To use it:
  • Compile - javac
  • Execute - java Run2 prog1 prog2 ...
  • To end - after all programs have finished, type q in the command window
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    The Sys1 program demonstrates accessing java runtime environment properties. It displays the property for the currently installed JDK. To use it:
  • Compile - javac
  • Execute - java Sys1
  • To end - type q in command window
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    The Sys2 program demonstrates enumeration class methods. It performs an enumeration on all system properties and then lists the property name and values to the standard output stream. To use it:
  • Compile - javac
  • Execute - java Sys2
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    The Parse1 program demonstrates use of StringBuffer and StringTokenizer class methods. It tokenizes an input string and prints out each token. To use it:
  • Compile - javac
  • Execute - java Parse, when prompted enter input strings with tokens delimited by comma and/or space
  • To end - respond with empty line
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    The Browse1 program demonstrates accessing an Applet. The Applet displays parameters passed to it by the invoking HTML. To use it:
  • Compile - javac
  • Execute - applet Browse1 browse1.html (or invoke from Netscape browser)
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