Sample Programs for Class 1

There are three (and 1/2) sample programs related to the material discussed in the first class. Click here to download the zip file containing these programs. Read on for more information about the programs. (You should try them in the order given below.)

The program simply prints out a listing of the parameters supplied on the command line when it is invoked. To use it:
  • Compile (javac
  • Execute with no parameters - java Sample1
  • Execute with parameters - java Sample1 first-parameter second-parameter
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    The program defines a class (Rectangle1) which contains methods for returning area, perimeter, whether or not the created object is a square, and a method to print out descriptive information. There is also a main entry point which creates two rectangles and exercises the methods. To use it:
  • Compile - javac
  • Execute - java Rectangle1
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    The program defines an interface listing several methods that must be implemented by subclasses using this interface. To use it:
  • Compile - javac
  • (It is not executable, see next program)
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    The program is an incomplete implementation of the Polygon interface. When it is compiled, you should receive an error message indicating that it does not define one of the required methods. To use it:
  • Compile - javac (you should get an error)
  • Edit -edit the source file and add the missing method. You should also add a "main" method that contains creation of a Rectp1 rectangle and prints out descriptive information.
  • Recompile and execute
  • If you're more ambitious you could create another class, say for a triangle which also implements the Polygon interface.
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