General Outline for SCOUG Java Programming Class

Class meetings at IBM offices Costa Mesa

600 Anton Blvd Costa Mesa 2nd Floor

7pm - 9:30pm (Monday nights)

Class 1 - February 10, 1997 Class Notes

  • Introductory
  • Object Oriented Programming Concepts
  • Java Language Fundamentals
  • JDK Components

    Class 2 - February 17, 1997 Class Notes

  • Java Execution Environment
  • Applications
  • Applets
  • Base Packages (lang, util, applet)

    Class 3 - March 3, 1997 Class Notes

  • Window types
  • Layouts
  • GUI Components
  • Menus
  • Event Handling
  • User Interface packages (awt)

    Class 4 - March 10, 1997 Class Notes

  • Exception, Error handling
  • IO package
  • NET package

    Class 5 - March 17, 1997Class Notes

  • Native methods
  • JDK 1.1
  • Other new technologies and miscellaneous

    Reference Material -

  • To download the complete set of class notes and sample zipfiles, click here . (NOTE: the individual sample source files were not duplicated in this zipfile so you need to look at them by first unzipping the sample source zipfiles). When unzipping any of these files be sure to use an OS/2 unzip which properly handles long filenames.
  • Recommended hardcopy reference - "Java Quick Reference" by Michael Afergan (available at MicroCenter or Fry's for ~ $17) NOTE: this is only a reference book, not a programming manual
  • Other reading material - any of dozens of Java books (we will discuss some in class)

    Websites -

  • JavaSoft (starting point for many other links)
  • Hursley Development Centre (OS/2 Java Development Centre)