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Dallas E. Legan has written:
- Lynx on OS/2, Part 3
Part 3 of Lynx on OS/2 brings graphics into the picture, showing how you can use a REXX script with an image viewer to look at pictures with Lynx. (12/1/2002)
- Lynx on OS/2, Part 2
Part 2 of Lynx on OS/2 covers solutions to what might be described as operational quirks of this text-mode browser. Thus, you'll find out ways to use Lynx on OS/2 more effectively. (11/1/2002)
- Lynx on OS/2, Part 1
This begins a series of articles on the Lynx web browser with straight answers and keen tricks for OS/2 users. Part 1 gets you started. (10/1/2002)
- Some Tools for Conversion of Plain Text to HTML
If you've tried doing HTML coding manually, you know it can be a chore. Well, it's REXX to the rescue once again! Dallas Legan has written a couple of scripts that turn text and URLs into HTML pages. (8/1/2002)
- Poor Man's WGet
Dallas Legan presents a REXX script he wrote to grab files off the Internet with just a basic network connection and no fancy download tools. You might find it useful for downloading WGet itself as well as other tools. (5/1/2002)
- CountStr and ChangeStr for Classic REXX
CountStr and ChangeStr are two functions missing from classic REXX. CountStr counts the non-overlapping instances of a substring, and ChangeStr changes them. They seem useful, so how might they be implemented? Several solutions are presented. (2/1/2002)
- A Simple, General Command Line Filter In REXX
Dallas Legan has written a general purpose filter in REXX that you use at the command line to do parsing. He tells you the motivation behind it, the process he went through, and gives you a variety of examples to help understand its usefulness. (10/1/2001)
- Text-Mode Web Browsers for OS/2
Text-mode web browsers may seem out-dated, but they do get past all the fluff on many web pages. Quickly, too, which is a time saver. OS/2 users have several text-mode browsers to pick from. (9/1/2001)
- ALT+F2 Bootup Patch for OS/2
This boot patch by Doug Azzarito and David Green automates the ALT+F2 process you normally need to go through to get OS/2 to list your device drivers as they load. (9/1/2000)
- Watching OS/2 on TV