June 2006
Printing and Scanning
on the OS/2 Platform
by Tony Butka |
Gee, back from the road again for an
intermittent INK column. I think this summer will be less hectic
than the rest of the year, and I'll try to get a few columns up on
the website. For now, there's a lot going on in the OS/2 world of
printing and scanning tools.
First, for you scanner junkies out
there, Sane for OS/2 is about to have a new release with updated
drivers. The current package is Tame 1.03a , and includes support for
a number of Canon, Epson, HP, Mustek and Umax USB scanners. There is
a testing build of the new Tame 1.0.3f, available at:
To see which specific scanners are
supported, check out the website:
Note: if you don't have current OS/2
USB scanners, go off to eComStation.com, and grab them. Anyhow, very
good stuff is finally available for OS/2 and USB scanners, and a big
round of thanks to Paul Smedley for keeping us up to date with this
important tool!
Next, it looks like Serenity Systems is
still working on OpenOffice 2.0 for us. As a teaser (as well they
ought to after taking my subscription money) and proof that
they are keeping the faith, there are some screenshots up at:
Currently, the latest version you can
get is 1.1.5, which is very stable on my system, and supports the
OASIS installable filters for OOo 1.1. I'm seriously waiting for
2.0, which is currently my Office suite version under Windows &
Ok, moving right along on the printing
front, there is a beta available of Lucide, a joint Netlabs/Serenity
Systems project to produce a document viewer for eCS which will allow
you to bypass Acrobat Reader. It is designed to integrate into the
Work Place Shell (WPS) for drag & drop ease of use, and will
support more than just PDF file formats. There is actually a mailing
list for bugs, and the program has a SOM based plugin API for
additional file support. The beta is available in the Betazone of:
By the way, drivers are available for
the Brother 1230/1400 series of printers with the latest IBM
printerpak, for those using these printers. You can link from:
And in a final bit of information,
there was a recent post to the VoiceNews list that Mensys has
obtained all rights for the WIN32PRN project (the brainchild of
Vitaliy Tymchyshyn from the Ukraine). This is exciting, since the
idea behind the project is to be able to use Windows printer driver
dll's under OS/2. Stay tuned for further developments...
In the meantime, you can reach me at
tony@scoug.com. Take care.
You might want to read Tony's last Ink column.
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
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