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Copyright 1998-2024, Southern California OS/2 User Group.
SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the
Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.
The Southern California OS/2 User Group
Past Presentations at SCOUG
- September, 2021 -
The September meeting was canceled because we still don't have a place to
meet yet.
- August, 2021 -
The August meeting was canceled because we still don't have a place to
meet yet.
- July, 2021 -
The July meeting was canceled because we still don't have a place to
meet yet.
- June, 2021 -
The June meeting was canceled because we still don't quite have a place to
meet yet. Given that that we are done with masking, maybe we will be
able to find a place to meet soon.
- May, 2021 -
The May meeting was canceled because we still don't quite have a place to
meet yet. Given that it seems that we are done masking, maybe we will be
able to find a place to meet in the next month or so.
- April, 2021 -
The April meeting was canceled because we don't quite have a place to meet
yet. I'm assuming that all of us that wanted shots have gotten their
shots, so this is no longer the prime show stopper. Maybe we will be able
to find a place to meet in the next couple of months or so.
- March, 2021 -
The March meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
seem to be still somewhat sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 trying to
kill us. Some of us have been poked twice, so maybe they will let us have
meetings again in the next couple of months or so.
- February, 2021 -
The February meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
seem to be still somewhat sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 trying to
kill us. Some of us have been poked at least once, so maybe they will let
us have meetings again in the next couple of months or so.
- January, 2021 -
The January meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
seem to be still sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 trying to kill us.
Let's hope those of us that want to get poked can get poked in the next
couple of months or so.
- December, 2020 -
The December meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
were still sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 trying to kill us.
Let's hope those of us that want to get poked can get poked in the next month or so.
- November, 2020 -
The November meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
were still sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 trying to kill us.
Let's hope Mondera or Pfizer got it right.
- October, 2020 -
The October meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
were still sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 trying to kill us.
- September, 2020 -
The September meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
were still sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 trying to kill us.
- August, 2020 -
The August meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
were still sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 trying to kill us.
- July, 2020 -
The July meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
were still sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 trying to kill us.
- June, 2020 -
The June meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
were still sheltering place to avoid COVID-19 trying to kill us.
- May, 2020 -
The May meeting was canceled because, yet again, all of us old folks
were still sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 finding us.
- April, 2020 -
The April meeting was canceled because all of us old folks
were still sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 finding us.
So far, so good, but it is still boring.
- March, 2020 -
The March meeting was canceled because all of us old folks
were sheltering in place to avoid COVID-19 finding us.
So far, so good, but it is boring.
- February, 2020 -
The was most a Q&A meeting.
There were some questions about OS/2 exception handling and dump procedures.
There were also a couple firewall questions.
We compared Injoy to the IBM firewall.
We also had questions on how the network configuration
files interact.
Sean had a question about NIC selection on VMWare.
The consensus is that the Intel driver performs much better
than the AMD driver.
We reviewed how to disable the Removable Device Monitor
automatic chkdsk feature again.
Steven installed the latest XWorkPlace build on the T60.
- January, 2020 -
Steven acquired an HDMI-to-VGA which was claimed to support
640x480. This does not appear to be true, but the
unit works well for higher resolution.
Rocky could not access some sites with the
default Firefox for OS/2 User Agent.
We installed the User Agent Switcher Add-on to avoid the problem.
Dan discussed his collection of M3 servers and
how he uses them to host multiple OS/2 VM instances.
Bob gave Peter a 3COM 3C905TX NIC for one of Peter's problem systems.
This will replace built-in SIS NIC which does not seem to work well.
- December, 2019 -
We took a look at the
photos from Warpstock Orlando 2019
posted by Jan along with the photos from his
4,400 mile roadtrip
across parts of the US.
We also checked a few of the
Warpstock Orlando 2019 presentations
We finally took a look at the CfgApps utility that ships with arcaos.
Most folks find it easier to use than the Internet Application Integrator
that shipped with eComStation.
We had a lively discussion of what makes and OS/2 application
a native OS/2 application.
Peter gave us an update of the status of his Linux EAs and timestamps research.
We took a look at how this relates the the ls -l command on OS/2 and
how the kLIBC runtime emulates the Linux native features.
Arcaos ships with the Simple SAMBA Control Center (sscc) and the kLIBC User Manager
(klUsrMgr). We reviewed how they differ.
Since we again did not have a VGA-to-HDMI adapter available, we decided
it was time to acquire at least one.
- November, 2019 -
Steven went to Warpstock and we talked about what happened.
Peter had some install from DVD questions which we tried to answer.
The question of 32-bit Linux distros came up.
This is relevant for OS/2 because a number of us run OS/2 on older hardware
and dual-booting Linux requires a 32-bit distro.
We took a look at some of the distros Peter found.
Linux Mint may be a useful candidate.
There was certainly more, but at least one of the cats ate my notes.
- October, 2019 -
The meeting as a bit shorter than usual because some of us had to leave
earlier than usual. Peter was unable to bring us hardware to work with,
so we reverted to lots of not quite OS/2 specific discussions. ECC memory
and cooling systems were a couple of the topics. Bob runs SETI and this puts
some stress on the hardware. For some unknown reason we all started talking
about stuff we worked on 40 years ago, well before before OS/2 even existed.
It was a good meeting, as always.
- September, 2019 -
Harry was having some trouble with printer objects.
We did some clean up and created new objects
VMWare is one of the interesting Hypervisors.
We had some Q&A about what makes it different.
The ArcaOS Updater is a welcome feature.
We took another look at what it can do.
- August, 2019 -
There was no meeting this month.
- July, 2019 -
We took another look at Peter's sys1089 error.
The patched cmd.exe confirmed that the start command was failing with
0x1201, which is the same error reported by %_? when the 4OS2 start
command failed. It finally occurred to someone that even though the
commands were running in a VIO window this could be a PM error and, sure
enough, it was. It is PMERR_NO_SPACE and it occurred because for reasons
that will probably never be known, PM limits the number of Window List
entries and Peter was exceeding this limit
Rocky was having some problems opening links from Thunderbird. We used the
vererable Interernt Application Assistant to set up the required INI
entires and all was well. It will remain a mystery why we did not use the
installed CfgApps utility that ships with ArcaOS and which does that same
Sean had some INI file questions and hopefully we answered them.
- June, 2019 -
Bob had some HTML parsing questions.
We told him what we would do.
Bob had some CUPS usage questions, so we did a review.
Peter is still experiencing some ArcaNoae Package Manager issues.
Since he did not bring the problem system to the meeting,
we were limited to generic troubleshooting suggestions.
Peter had some 4OS2 interpretability questions which we answered.
- May, 2019 -
Steven did a test run of the "Care and Feeding of Firefox" presentation to
be presented at Warpstock Europe.
The question of how much memory is available to OS/2 applications seems to
recur often among OS/2 users. We discussed VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT which
determine how much address space the OS/2 kernel will provide for
Peter reported a trap 3 in LVM.DLL. This was not quite accurate. The trap
was in OS2LVM.DMD. We reviewed why OS/2 drivers sometimes use an INT3
instruction to report unexpected conditions with no more appropriate form
of error reporting.
The question of how to prepare new drive for OS/2 is another of those
recurring questions. We reviewed the current best practices.
Bob was having some problems using FTP to transfer files between OS/2
running under Virtualbox and The Ubuntu system running Virtualbox. The
Ubuntu system needed a better FTP server and we installed one.
- April, 2019 -
Peter wants to give e-mail another try. We reviewed some of the available mail
clients - Polarbar, Thunderbird and PMMail and compared their features.
The question which Firefox version to use came up again. We discussed
38.8.0 vs. 45.9.0 and compared the benefits of each.
Rocky's wireless router refused to work at the meeting after a long period
of trouble-free service. After some troubleshooting, we concluded that
the unit had died.
Peter asked to have trap screens explained. We covert the basics and
reviewed the documentation that is available in the OS/2 Debugging Guide
- March, 2019 -
Now that Rocky has a working Firefox 45 setup, we spent some quality time
tracking down the leftover cruft that got created
during the test and remediate process. This was no trivial task.
For reasons I forget, we decided t run cpuid on a couple of systems.
The bad news is it hung on a couple of system.
Resolving this will be a work in progress.
Peter noticed that psfiles traps intermittently.
This is a somewhat known issue. The DosQuerySysState API that is used
by psfiles and other system reporting applications has some issues.
Fortunately the traps are ring3 traps, not ring0 traps.
- February, 2019 -
We took a look at VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT and what it is good for.
This include a review of how OS/2 uses memory, including concepts such
as arena, lower memory and upper memory.
Bob gave us a status update on his work to get his ArcaOS system to
communicate with the SAMBA sever on the Ubuntu system. It works.
Rocky is trying to get Firefox 38 installed on an older eCS setup and
he appears to be having some DLL compatibility issues.
We reviewed the troubleshooting process.
- January, 2019 -
We finally figured out the magic sauce for getting a VGA->HDMI adapter
working with OS/2. It turns out we just needed to be patient. When
the OS/2 text mode boot screen is displaying, the VGA output resolution is
too low for many HDMI devices. The result is the dreaded blank screen. Once PM
started up the VGA output resolution was higher and the HDMI device was
happy to display the output. We tested with an active mode VGA->HDMI
adapter and an HDMI capable TV, but it is possible that a passive mode
VGA-HDMI adapter may also work.
Rocky wanted to install Firefox 45.9, so we made this happen.
The question of using Firefox on on sites that think our Firefox versions
are too old came up once again. We reviewed the UserAgentSwitcher
extension and discussed how to use user.js to make the override permanent.
Bob had a problem with some Mesa2 spreadsheets that refused to open in
Mesa2 when the spreadsheet object was opened from the Desktop. For
unknown reasons the spreadsheet type data was not correct. We used the
Properties notebook to change the spreadsheets to Mesa2 documents and the
problem no longer existed.
Peter brought an non-working 16GB USB drive. We tried to fix it, but
decided that the likely problem was that the smoke had escaped.
- December, 2018 -
The meeting did not go quite as planned, but fun was still had by all.
Our mystery guest did no appear. Maybe next month.
Peter talked about practical time applications, but but I did have time to
take notes, so you will have to ask him what he talked about.
The VGA->HDMI adapter did not make it to the meeting so we needed to
transfer Peter's presentation materials to Bob's ArcaOS install running
under VirtualBox. For reasons unknown, the USB stick was not exposed to
ArcaOS2. Bob says it always works at home. So we fell tried something
else. We started with ftp, but not unexpectedly ftpd was not installed
under Ubuntu, so we installed it and it started, but since it was not
configured, ArcaOS was unable to connect. We decided to tftpd and
installed Ubuntu Oddly, it would not start. Probably a defect in the
Ubuntu tftpd implementation. /var/syslog showed tftpd reporting unknown
command line options, but nothing showed up on the bash command line So
it was back to ftpd which now started to complain about socket operations
to non-socket. By then it was time to end the meeting. Maybe we will
do better next month.
- November, 2018 -
Bob wanted to burn a ArcaOS 5.0.3 DVD and install this to a VirtualBox VM on his
Ubuntu host. We really did not need to burn a DVD because he could
have mounted the ISO file, but since he a burned a couple of coasters
in his previous attempts, we went with the install from DVD method.
The DVD burn was uneventful once we figured out why Bob was building coasters.
The 5.0.2 install was uneventful, as was the VirtualBox OS/2 Additions installation.
Next we configured the ArcaOS SAMBA client to talk to the Ubuntu host.
We were mostly successful, but Bob still needs to do a few tweaks on the Ubuntu side.
Peter watched intently while be burned Bob's DVD. His interest stems from the
fact that burning a DVD for Peter's ArcaOS2 install has been on the meeting agenda for
many many months. The reasons why the DVD burns has not happened until now are many
and mostly humorous.
Never the less, Peter now has a working ArcaOS2 install DVD.
- October, 2018 -
We were going to install ANPM on Steven's T60, but he got impatient and did
this before the meeting. Since Peter had be trying for months to acquire
and install an updated version of wget, we decided to install ANPM on
Peter's T510 and use ANPM to install the updated wget. The ANPM install
was not uneventful, so the rest of the meeting agenda went by the wayside
and we various workarounds to get rpm/yum and ANPM installed and working
correctly. Peter did get the updated wget installed, so all's well that
ends well.
- September, 2018 -
Warpstock Calgary 2018 was happening at the same time as the SCOUG meeting.
Since Warpstock was live streaming the presentations, we stopped by to
watch for a bit. If you want to catch up the presentations are available
on the You Tube WarpEvents channel.
Rocky asked about the status of Java 8. The folks at Readerware have
kindly keep the app compatible with our Java 1.6, possibly just from Rocky.
However, Rocky was concerned how long this might not continue to be the
case. The Java ports are maintained by bitwiseworks. Steven discussed
the issues that have contributed to the lack of updated Java ports on
OS/2. In no particular order, they are funding, available developers and
community support.
Peter has some question about VirtualBox and Virtual PC. We did a quick
show and tell for VirtualPC 5.1 for OS/2 and VirtualBox 1.6 on Steven's
T60. These versions are antique compared to versions available for other
platforms, but the perform well from many tasks. We explained to Peter
that no virtualization app can be discussed without taking the host
platform into account. The host platform has a major impact on what is
available and what features are supported. Also, what virtualization is
and what it can do is undergoing significant change because it is such
an important market.
Peter had some anpm questions. We tried to answer them.
We were going to do some analysis of the disappearing /q switch
under cmd.exe, but we ran out of time to do more than demo
the failure.
- August, 2018 -
Peter & Sheridan gave us a post-mortem of what Sheridan's
generator did to the other electronics in Sheridan' house.
Now we all know what not to do.
Rocky has successfully installed ArcaOS on his new G40,
except that the NIC is either deaf or dumb.
We tried to resolve this, but were not successful.
The is probably going to require an Arca Noae ticket.
It's been reported that svn copy can not replace a tag.
We did some analysis on a test repo can confirmed that this is true.
The workaround is to delete the tags and replace it.
- July, 2018 -
An interesting trap was reported on the Weasel mailing list
for the Weasel mail server.
Steven did a review of how he analyzed the trap, which turned out
to be stack overflow.
Peter Moylan has reworked the offending code to use less stack.
Peter discussed his workarounds for 4OS2's START command behavior.
Psfiles traps on Peter's T510.
We are currently clueless as to why this might occur.
It's a project for another day.
Sheridan has some question about VMWare ESXi vs. VirtualBox.
We compared the features and benefits of both.
Sheridan's gave us a review of the Solar system home smoke test.
This will be continued next month.
Someone asked about cloud options for OS/2.
We discussed the OwnCloud and WebDav options.
Someone asked about WiFi access point options.
We mentioned devices from TP-Link and IOGear.
There are others.
- June, 2018 -
Rocky has acquired a new IBM Thinkpad G40 model 2388-5BU.
This new G40 is old enough to not support boot from USB and
to not support boot from DVD.
We discussed various install options that could work for the G40.
Peter discovered an unexpected difference between the 4OS2 START command and
the the CMD.EXE START command.
If run with no parameters, the CMD.EXE START command respects the COMSPEC
value of the current session. The 4OS2 START command does not.
Steven reviewed the code and we understand why this occurs and this behavior
might be changed in a future 4OS update.
For now Peter is investigating workarounds.
Peter discovered he needs a version of wget with TLS support.
We explained where he could find one.
In preparation for Peter burning his ArcaOS install DVD, Steven
did a show and tell of how he used cdrecord to do this.
- May, 2018 -
Peter and Steven continued their discussion of 4OS2 vs. CMD.EXE.
Peter stated that DIR /? did not work under 4OS2.
This turned about to be a not well-thought-out alias statement in the 4START.CMD
that shipped with some 4OS2 distributions.
This will be resolved in a future 4OS2 release.
This is discussed in
4start.cmd.template shipped with arcapkg.wpi is non-optimal
Peter asked show to implement snap to grid for VIO sessions.
We discussed the options.
Set subject of using dfsee on large drives came up.
It works, but there are some issues.
PgDn does not work when browsing a file list.
You cannot escape while building a 180K file list.
These nits will be reported to Jan.
We reviewed that current state of Firefox 45.9 nightly builds.
Unfortunately the 100% CPU usage is still there in some case,
but it is getting better.
Peter asked about rsync error 32s again.
32 is a permission denied error and it can occur when
different rsync processes attempt to access the EAs for the same file
at the same time. Steven is going to see what can be done to
mitigate more of these occurrences.
- April, 2018 -
Peter gave us an update on the state of his backup subsystem.
While not exactly OS/2 related, we had an interesting
discussion of optimization vs. volatility.
Someone asked about the NTFS file system. I forget why.
We discussed the current state of AOSBoot. AOSBoot allows
ArcaOS to be installed from a USB Flash Drive.
- March, 2018 -
Continuing last month's NAS discussion, Greg shows us his Drobo setup.
The Drobo is a NAS with several interesting features.
Peter had some rsync Q&As and we did the A part.
We installed eCS 2.0 into a VM on Bob's Ubuntu box.
Next we demonstrated setting up a SAMBA share from Steven's T60
to Bob's Ubuntu setup.
We got to explore ArcaMapper and NetDrive.
ArcaMapper is an enhanced replacement for NetDrive's ndpm.
- February, 2018 -
The question of running ArcaOS in a VM came up once again.
We reviewed the current options and which are best for a given use-case.
Steven has a bad block on one of his JFS volumes.
The JFS file system supports bad block management, but the
OS/2 port of the JFS IFS does not provide a method to inform
the IFS which blocks are bad.
The recently released dfsee update implements bad block management for
JFS volumes.
Steven demo'ed how this works.
Disk drives are getting larger. 3TB drives are now commonplace.
The question of using a NAS with 3TB drives with OS/2 came up.
We discussed how this the NAS share would appear to an OS/2 client.
Someone asked if JFS/LVM can be used with a 3TB drive.
The answer is yes, with limitations.
Only the first 2TB will be accessible to OS/2.
- January, 2018 -
Arca Noae is adding features to ANPM.
ANPM is the Arca Noea Package Manager and it provides a
GUI front-end to rpm and yum. This make installing RPM packages
on OS/2 almost a easy as it is on Linux.
Steven demo's version 1.0.2.
Steven is often asked how to get support for ArcaOS. He pointed everyone at
Reporting ArcaOS Problems Best Practices
and explained what the wiki item said.
- December, 2017 -
Peter reviewed the current state of his backup system.
Peter is still experiencing odd results when he runs multiple
rsync instances in parallel.
We did some troubleshooting, and did not find a clear explanation
for this behavior
The next release of ArcaOS will offer the ability to install from a USB
Flash Drive.
This feature is called AOSBoot.
This will be particularly beneficial for newer systems which
often do not include built-in Optical Media support.
A demo will happen in a future meeting.
The Mozilla JavaScript engine depends on the ability to interrupt a
thread and restart it at a different location.
The OS/2 DosKillThread API can accomplish part of this task,
but the Firefox developers say their testing indicates that
high kill rates make a system unstable.
Steven reviewed the results of his testing, which seem to
differ from this claim.
The subject of Greenflow came up.
Google for it if you want to know how it related to OS/2.
- November, 2017 -
Peter was curious about what gcc1.dll is and where to find it.
We showed him.
Rocky gave us and update on the state of his ReaderWare
issues. It's all working now.
The subject of USB memory sticks came up again.
I forget why.
We did a review of Theseus. This is the most capable
memory usage analysis tool we have for OS/2.
- October, 2017 -
Peter updated us on the state of his rsync backup solution.
Steven gave an xpager tutorial.
Rocky gave us an update and his Readerware issues.
Peter and Steven explored some more 4OS2 features.
Steven reviewed what DosQuerySysState can do. Peter wanted to understand
how he could us it to monitor the performance of his systems.
The subject of disk encryption came up again.
We discussed what is available for OS/2.
The SCOUG server is running on VMWare instance hosted by Dan.
Steven did a show and tell of some of the features of VMWare that
make it a good solution hosting OS/2 servers.
Dan uses the pfsense firewall. We reviews the kinds of rules it supports.
The SCOUG server is protected by the Injoy firewall.
We took a look at the kinds of rules that we use to prevent unwanted access
to the server.
Steven gave a SSL how to. He discussed how certificates can be used
to control access to a system.
Steven has released a minor update to rsync. He reviewed what's changed.
Peter has questions about rsync log analysis.
Steven reviewed the information that the rsync --item-changes option provides.
Steven and Peter reviewed a few 4OS2 vs. CMD.EXE compatibility issues.
Steven did not attend Warpstock, Toronto, but he gave us a review of
what happened there anyway.
- September, 2017 -
Peter brought some warning messages produced by his rsync test runs.
Unfortunately, he neglected to bring the command lines he used, so
all we could do is provide general answers and recommend
he complete his reading of the rsync docs.
We reviewed the recommended solution to Rockys' Readerware issue. We will
find out next month if the is sufficient to bring Readerware alive again.
Steve did some ArcaOS show and tell.
He demonstrated how to import XWLAN settings from another system.
He demonstrated how to add a repository to ANPM and discussed some newly
available packages including the Firefox RPM.
Somehow the discussion of the Readerware SSL problem forked into a discuss of
SSL certificates and how they are used. Steven did some initial show and
tell which he promised to expand on next month.
- August, 2017 -
We got ArcaOS installed on Bob's Thinkpad.
We ran into the FAT32 trap issue that affects some
FAT32 partitions and were able to workaroud the issue.
We got some unexpected messages from diskutil, but
these were relatively easy to handle.
Greg had some difficulties making the ArcaOS instance,
running on VirtualBox, visible to the world.
A bit of research told us we needed to
configure VirtualBox for Host-only networking.
Steven installed ArcaOS 5.01 in a VirtualPC instance
and the install was uneventful.
- June, 2017 -
We installed ArcaOS in VirtualBox under Linux for Sheridan.
It would have been simplier, but it required a detour to
get wireless working under Linux.
We worked on Rocky's Readerware problem.
Unfortunately Rocky did not bring ReaderWare with him, so
we could not test the proposed solutions.
- May, 2017 -
Peter gave us an update on the current state of his numeric
data types R&D.
The subject of resource contention came up and we reviewed how
it can affect an OS/2 installation.
Peter and Steven continued their review of 4OS2 and CMD.EXE
compatibility methods.
Peter had some C++ overloading questions which we tried to answer.
Peter noticed that dir /? was not working for him in 4OS2 sessions.
We adjusted DPATH to make these help requests work properly.
The topic of exceptq came up.
Steven explained what with recent updates to the
kLIBC runtime, exceptq support is now automatic for applications written
to use the kLIBC runtime.
There have been questions about how to implement
bldlevel support in applications.
Steven reviewed the various bldlevel data formats and
some of the available methods
for adding bldlevel strings to an application.
Applications keep getting larger.
Steven explained how building with -zhigh-mem
allowed kLIBC applications to make better use of the upper memory area
available in today's systems.
- April, 2017 -
Peter wants a cron that will schedule to the second.
Rony Flatscher's CronRGF is not designed to do this.
Since SysSleep 1.5 is valid in REXX and CronRFG is a REXX script,
we tried things like setting the minute to 10.5 and
failed miserably. The code only knows how to deal with integers.
This could change, but it will take a programmer.
Peter asked about the AiR-BOOT updates and we pointed him at
AiR-BOOT repository at GitHub.
Peter asked about VMs.
This resulted in a discussion of the trade-off of running in a VM.
Steven did a demo install of the Blue Lion beta 4.9.15 beta.
It installed cleanly, but someone/something messed up and the install
went mostly to volume D: rather than the expected volume F:.
It is a mystery whether with was a finger fault and a beta nit.
Peter found a way of suppressing the NL for the cmd.exe prompts.
This is a handy feature for Peter because he likes to cram a lot of
data into a VIO window.
We tried, but could not get 4OS2 to emulate this
undocumented cmd.exe feature.
Peter mentioned that he could not max out both cores of the T510,
which seemed odd.
Steven put together on testcase scripts to do this on his T60.
At first, the 2nd core stayed idle which raised some questions.
A bit of poking about with mpcpumon
revealed that the 2nd core was not enabled. Who knew? Once enabled,
the testcase scripts had no problem maxing out both cores.
- March, 2017 -
Sheridan gave a Phyton tutorial.
He covered the basics of statement syntax and lists.
He plans to cover some more advanced topics next month.
Steven demo'ed the current Blue Lion beta along with a
preview of the GUI installer.
Last month's demo crashed and burned with an unexpected trap 3
in danis506.add. Steven explained why it happened.
Peter's wants to programatically size and position VIO windows.
Steven demo'ed how to do this with 4OS2 commands.
- February, 2017 -
This month, Peter has some python questions, so we gave him a taste
of what it could do.
In addition, Peter was curious about was changed in the most recent
4OS2 beta, so we showed him the source.
While we were at it, we analyzed and resolved a long standing defect
which caused external scripts and executables invoked by compiled REXX code
to fail.
Some one asked how the gcc generates code. Since gcc is just a wrapper
to runs the compiler, assembler and linker, we took a look at how the
specs file controls the process.
The subject of strong passwords came up, yet again.
Steven demo'ed a Blue Lion install. This trapped in danis506 which was hardly expected.
We will try this again next month, probably with a new dani506 build.
- January, 2017 -
We continued our discussion about passwords, hashes and such.
Greg had some comments about the lastpass password manager.
Greg brought us up to date on his adventures with bootable
USB memory sticks.
He found some tools available on other platforms, including
UNetBootIn and Ultimate Boot CD which allowed him
to build a working bootable USB stick. Building such
a stick with dfsee is still a work in progress.
Rocky has a Java app that needs an SSL connection to a host.
Steven showed how to use stunnel to set up this kind of connection.
- December, 2016 -
FAT32 formatting is not yet 100% intuitive on OS/2, so we did some testing
with dfsee. We found that some devices need the geometry forced to 63 sectors
per track or the formatting will fail. We also found that when adding LVM
information the drive letter field should be set to *, rather than being left
Peter has been tasked with converting a large number of
music CDs to MP3s and storing them on a Flash drive so
that the friend can play them in the car.
Reviewed how to rip music CDs with RSJ and cdrecord so that Peter could start
ripping on his own.
As promised Steven and Peter provided comic relief on several topics.
- November, 2016 -
Steven went to Warpstock Orlando which had a good turnout.
Steven discussed what happened at the event and
how to view the presentation videos.
As requested, Steven gave a review of memory leaks and fragmentation
and discussed some of the best practices for avoiding these issues.
We continued our discussion of password strength.
Peter reviewed the current state of his backup methodology.
On a related note the question of de-duplicating backups came up and
we looked at some of the options.
It turns out that git does a form of de-duplicating to reduce
the repository size, we took a look at the methods that git uses.
We also looked at git's object naming strategy.
- October, 2016 -
Peter has been researching password encryption effectiveness
and dicussed some of his findings.
There have been some questions about the available process termination
Steven gave an overview of the available methods
and discussed the pluses and minues of these methods.
There were some rsync best practices questions and
Steven offered some suggestions.
The question of symlinks came up.
Steven reviewed what symlinks are and how
there are supported on OS/2.
Since leap seconds have been mentioned in the news,
Peter gave us an overview of the problem.
Peter discovered that not all codepages are created equal.
We reviewed the issue and some possible solutions.
Peter has been doing some analysis of the available compression
tools and provided us with his opinions.
- September, 2016 -
Peter has been doing some research on the math of strong passwords.
He discussed his findings. Steven compared Peter's ideas with those used
by his preferred password checker at http://www.passwordmeter.com/
Peter and Steven discussed their findings about various quirks they
encountered when controlling the visibility of VIO windows from scripts.
Peter reported that chkdsk was reporting a couple of minor errors on one of
his data drives and he was unable to get chkdsk to repair them. At first we
though they were noise errors caused by the data drive being mounted and in
use. However, once we ensure that the drive was no longer in use, the error
persisted until we ran a chkdsk /f while the drive was in use.
SCOUG needs a new projector. Steven did some online shopping and reviewed
some of the available options.
Peter discovered he needed a man page reader.
He does not yet run rpm/yum or the Arca Noae Package manager
so we did a usb memory stick-net install from Steven's T60.
- August, 2016 -
The question of how to associate a hostname with a DHCP IP address was raised.
We looked at how OS/2 places the requested hostname in dhcpcd.cfg and
how the DNS request passes the hostname to the DDNS server.
Peter had some additional FAT32 questions and we had some answers.
We spent some time with the newest dfsee release and showed Peter how
to convert a FAT32 formatted USB memory stick to a JFS formatted stick.
Peter is still running the Firefox 4.0 that installed with eCS 2.1.
We have recommended that he upgrade to a more current version of Firefox.
Not unexpectedly, 4.0 is not very stable by today's standards. Peter
has a large number of popuplog.os2 that indicate that doscall1.dll trapped
at 2:1ba2.
According to the map file, this is an exception in Dos32EnterMustComplete.
Given the age of Firefox 4.0, we are unlikely to do any more analysis,
although we do suspect that this is possibly an SMP race condition.
Peter needs a battery widget on the T410. We showed him how to install it.
Bob has an odd problem with his eWP eCenter toolbar, which he has
placed at the top of the screen.
If he moves an application's titlebar under
the toolbar and then clicks on the toolbar to give it focus,
he can no longer click inside of the application window and give
focus back to the application.
Bob is running on older version of eWP.
We were not able to replicate this with a more recent version of XWP.
- July, 2016 -
Peter has found the NTFS.IFS to be less than stable.
We took this as an opportunity for a bit of dfsee show and tell while
investigating the problem.
We installed rsync on Peter's T510 and set up some scripts to replace dsync.
A couple of months ago, while reviewing some of Peter's test scripts we
noticed a problem when 4OS2 was given a max lengh quoted path. Steven
implemented a update to resolve the issue. Steven discussed the fix and
demonstrated the updated 4OS2.
Peter continues to have problems with FAT32 partitions.
Since the code is open source, we took a look at the code
and came up with some possible workarounds.
- June, 2016 -
Steven helped Peter acquire a Lenovo T510 to replace the Thinkpad 770.
The T510 came to the meeting with Peter and we helped him install eCS 2.1
an update the install with the several drivers from his Arca Noae
subscription. Everything works, with the exception of the
Centrino Advanced-N 6200 Wireless NIC.
The $100 investment has already produced excellent returns.
We will address the Wireless NIC problem as time permits.
We continued our attempts to create a working bootable dfsee memory stick.
More work is needed.
- May, 2016 -
Peter decided he needed to investigate how CMD.EXE and 4OS2
handler very long pathnames and encountered some
results he could not explain.
He shared his findings with us.
We are going to resume the discussion at a future meeting
because some of the 4OS2 results look like defects.
While analyzing our bootable dfsee memory stick
problem last month, Steven blinked at the wrong time and wiped out the 1st
MB of the T60's hard drive. This month he showed us how he and dfsee
recovered from this unfortunate event.
We did some more troubleshooting of our bootable dfsee memory
stick failures. The results were inconclusive.
We are going to have to try again next month.
Warpstock Cologne took place on May 21st and 22nd. Steven gave
a presentation via Skype before the meeting.
If was a bit late in the day in Cologne, but we
watch some of the presentations on the live stream.
- April , 2016 -
Peter wanted to talk about his FAT32 problems and we did.
Greg brought along a disk drive for testing. We proceed to
break it and run through a number of dfsee recovery scenarios.
Greg mentioned that he was having problems
creating a bootable dfsee memory stick.
Steven was able to replicate the problem on his T60.
Steven recalls that creating sticks used to work with dfsee 12.x.
We will try again next month.
Peter was going to review some of this estimating algorithms, but
we ran out of time. Maybe next month.
- March, 2016 -
Bob brought his HP Color Laser Jet Pro MFP M277 to the meeting to get
it setup for CUPS and native printing. It was easy.
Peter reviewed his ideas about encryption.
Peter had some questions about C++ function overloading.
We put together some examples use g++ and the questions were answered.
- February, 2016 -
Peter was having some problems setting up the screen saver on his 770X.
We toggled a few checkbox settings and the screen saver is now
working just the way he requested.
It turns out that the 770x needed a bit of WPS cleanup, so we
installed checkini and cleanini and let them do their thing.
Peter asked how to view the contents of an HPFS chkdsk log,
so we showed him how to use pmchklog to do this.
Peter had some C programming questions related to high resolution timing.
We showed him how to use DosQuerySysInfo to access the millisecond timer.
Sheridan brought along a Jetson TX1.
It does not run OS/2, but it is an interesting piece of hardware.
Last week, Steven discovered that
Alex Taylor's RXUTILEX had a few items that needed some TLC.
The Programming SIG was up to the task and the changes are ready for
Alex to review.
- January, 2016 -
We started off trying to build a bootable dfee USB memory stick.
The results were not 100% successful. The USB stick we used has
been intermittently problematic in the past.
We moved on to Greg's eCS install running on VirtualBox on a Mac.
The eCS boot volume was not booting properly.
Using a different bootable dfsee stick, we had no
problems booting dfsee and
dfsee did it's job and repaired the corrupted data
that was killing the boot.
Now that we had a booting system, we used dfsee
to make an image backups of the boot volume to
avoid having to repeat the repair exercise.
Tom brought us a Thinkpad with a broken wireless Genmac NIC setup.
After some time staring at the config.sys, we decided it was oddly ordered
for reasons that will probably remain unknown. A few config.sys edits
brought Genmac to life.
The maintenance boot volume on Tom's system also had problems.
After booting,
the keyboard was non-functional and the system appeared to be hung.
We were not able to fix this at the meeting.
Tom is going to reinstall the
maintenance volume and let us know if this is sufficient to resolve the
Steven brought along a early Alpha build of the Arca Noae's forthcoming Blue
Lion release which we installed to a VirtualPC volume.
The first attempt failed.
Trying again and following the installation guide resulted in a
functional Blue Lion install and everything worked.
- December, 2015 -
We spent some more time on Peter's 770 and were
still not able to get networking working.
This was with known good PCMCIA NICs.
It's starting to look like a problem with the
Cardbus hardware.
Peter was having some problems starting gcc 4.9.2.
We tracked this down to using the wrong startup script.
- November, 2015 -
Peter wanted to install gcc on his Thinkpad, so we
helped make this happen.
Peter wanted the ability to now print to his USB attached
printer from the OS/2 command line.
We helped him make this happen too.
We looked at few of dfsee's disk partitioning and recovery features.
We can always spend more time on this. Dfsee has more than a few
- October, 2015 -
Work continued on Peter's Thinkpad.
Still no Internet partially because Steven forgot to bring
some of the items needed for testing.
Peter's having some getting started issues with gcc,
so we did some show an tell of basic compiling and linking of
hello world apps.
Along with all of this, we discovered some interesting defects
in fm/2's internal viewer.
- September, 2015 -
Peter's Thinkpad 770 came to the meeting yet again.
We tried several PCMCIA NICs, both wired and wireless.
The PCMCIA GUI claimed that NICs were properly configured, but
none were able to communicate with the Internet.
More will be revealed next month.
Steven had a python issue with the cvs2git utility.
Our python does not seem to capture piped output
correctly. We developed a workaround that worked in
the testcase. We should be able to show a working cvs2git
next month.
- August, 2015 -
One of Rocky's systems came to the meeting.
It had survived an update install from eCS 1.2 to eCS 2.1 fairly well.
The only show-stopper problem was a trap in the Realtek 8139 driver.
The update install was a bit careless on the network driver
config.sys updates. A bit of pruning resolved the trap.
The printer objects were not working quite right.
We didn't have a printer, so we tweaked things until SLPR
network printing to remote LPR daemon started working.
Peter's Thinkpad 770 came to the meeting yet again.
Jerry and Peter worked on getting a PCMCIA NIC working on the box.
This is still a work in process.
More will be revealed next month.
- July, 2015 -
Peter's Thinkpad 770 came to the meeting again.
This time it got updated USB drivers.
We also revived his USB attached 750GB disk drive which had
been messed with by Windows.
Dfsee refreshed the LVM data and the drive was good to go.
Next we tried to get a PCMCIA NIC installed and working.
This should have been easy, but for yet unexplained reasons, it wasn't.
The NICs were from Steven's stock of working NICs and
the 3C589 NIC was from a working Thinkpad 770X setup.
Perhaps more will be revealed next month.
- June, 2015 -
After many interruptions Steven installed OpenOffice 4.1 and
Java 1.6 on his laptop.
The WarpIN installs were, as expected, easy and
the applications performed well.
Then we digressed to discussing floating point minutia
such as quad precision numbers, significands and mantissas.
Somehow we moved on to the gory details Google maps URLs
The Java install allowed us to check out how jedit's
Unicode editing on OS/2 abilities.
- April, 2015 -
Last month we discovered that RSJ was somewhat inscrutable or
at least the docs were. This month Steven showed us what the docs
attempted to describe.
Jerry and Steven tested Sane/Tame with one of the
Canon scanners Jerry provided.
Sane/tame seemed to work fine once installed properly.
The scanner not so much. We might try again next meeting
Peter brought his Lexmark E260d printer and his Thinkpad 770.
We imported the Lexmark PPD, created printer objects for the
Parallel port and USB
connections and checked out some of the printer features.
- March, 2015 -
Peter brought his 770, his Lexmark printer, his docking station,
a collection of NICs, his collection of USB port extenders
and we tried to get it all working.
We has some successes and some failures.
Steven decided it was time to learn how to use RSJ since it is
installed by eCS. We had some successes and some failures too.
It is clear that we need an RSJ how to to explain what the docs omit.
- February, 2015 -
Given the recently revealed large bank hacks, security was on our mind.
We did a quick review of best practices.
Steven gave a show and tell of the recently released
v1.4 OS/2 NTPD Client.
Peter had some RAID questions. We had answers.
We took a look at Arca Noae
and Bitwise Works to see
what was new in the way of their OS/2 software offerings.
- January, 2015 -
Rocky brought his system in to have some clean installs done.
We installed a maintenance volume and updated the Network and ACPI drivers
on the production boot volume.
Rocky has a lot of tuning left to do but was happy with the results.
Peter is working on an application that will require very large
arrays that exceed the capacity of an OS/2 system.
We discussed how best to connect this application to existing
applications and data running on OS/2 systems.
- December, 2014 -
Sony got hacked which caused Peter to ask
what he should do to secure his OS/2 systems.
So we had a lot to discuss.
Some of the suggestions were general.
Others were OS/2 specific.
- November, 2014 -
Steven gave us a review of what happened to Warpstock in St. Louis.
The subject of ArcaNoae came up.
Since Steven knows the principals,
he got to tell us a bit about what is planned.
The subject of rsync backups came up again, so we looked at how
the which options could be used to solve specific backup problems.
It seems like charts and graphs are a popular non-OS/2 specific topic for
us, so we figured why not,
and looked at some of the available OS/2 charting tools.
- October, 2014 -
Peter did something that had told him not to do so his system would
no longer boot. Fortunately, it was some that was easy to fix up with dfsee.
Steven showed us what he has been doing with os2_ntpd.exe and cpuid.exe.
Release distributions should appear soon.
Greg and Steven did some show and tell about git's capabilities.
As always, the Q&A's and the donuts were all good.
- September, 2014 -
As you should know SCOUG has a new server.
We did the install and basic setup at the August meeting and
Dan put the server in production a couple of days later.
Then we managed to destroy the installation.
Don't ask. We have recovered from this and the server is again running well.
Sheridan did a show and tell of the Parallax robots
that will be donated to Eastside Christian.
Nice toys.
Greg brought us a non-OS/2 problem.
He has been trying to build freestream on his Mac and
the SCONS build tool insists on trying to use the wrong
Python shared libraries with the expected results.
We did not fully resolve the problem,
but Greg went away with some things to try.
- August, 2014 -
Dan and Steven installed eCS 2.1 on the new SCOUG server. We could not
install the eCS 2.2beta because the server does not have a DVD drive. The
install was uneventful and, as of the time this was written, the server is
in production and running scoug.com and a number of other sites. As expected
the xSeries 225 with dual 3.06GHz Xeons is fast.
Sheridan demo-ed one of the Parallax robot kits SCOUG is going to donate to
Eastside Christian as thanks for providing meeting space and internet
- July, 2014 -
We checked out eCS running inside VirtualBox on Greg's new box.
The box is interesting. It is essentially a set top box running
a dual-core Celeron, 4GB of RAM and 500GB of disk.
When VirtualBox is running in full-screen mode, it's hard to tell
visually that eCS is not running on the raw hardware.
eCS might run on the raw hardware, but we didn't try this yet.
Steven showed us the latest OS/2 NTP client updates.
The app now runs detached. An open-source binary release will be
available soon.
- June, 2014 -
We reviewed Steven's latest updates to the OS/2 NTP client.
These seemed to resolve the DST switchover settling time issues.
Bob's laptop crashed and he had to recover from a backup and this broke his genmac setup.
We resolved the genmac issues and updated the system to the current xwlan and DHCP client.
- May, 2014 -
We looked at Bruce Penrod's OS/2 NTP client.
This utility implements RFC 5905 NTP v4.
The client functions well except when crossing DST boundaries.
This problem do not exist on *ix systems because the clock is set to UTC
and there are no DST boundaries.
We discussed some possible solutions and will continue the
discussion next month.
- April, 2014 -
Jerry showed us AirDroid running on his Samsung and controlled by
Firefox 17ESR running on his eCS laptop.
AirDroid is pretty interesting.
Google for it if you are curious.
- March, 2014 -
Peter discussed his idea for a club project - a bootable maintenance CD.
This would provide tools not on the install CD.
Steven gave a review of what's new in the latest exceptq release and what's
in the works.
- February, 2014 -
We had another meeting devoted to understanding Peter's hardware.
This has been an
an interesting exercise that reveals yet again that while it
often appears that OS/2
has not changed in the 20 years since IBM stopped developing it, many things
Peter's system has a Elsa Winner video card - a top of the line card in
its day. However, it does not play well with either Panorama or SNAP. We
attempted to install the original Elsa driver, but the Elsa driver is not
fully compatible with the GRADD DLLs installed by eCS 2.1. Peter took the
box back to the shop and will be backleveling GRADD DLLs installed by
eCS 2.1 until the Elsa driver runs properly.
As always, the Q&A's and the donuts were all good.
- January, 2014 -
We had another meeting mostly devoted to hardware.
Peter's Pentium 200MHz system is almost ready for production use.
The CD is now working.
The monitor was dead, but we worked around this.
Bob had a Genmac issue which we resolved.
Steven discussed his problems with the libtool 2.4.2 port.
This is one of the items blocking the completion of the
tesseract 3.02.02 port.
- December, 2013 -
Those of you who were not there missed a nice, quiet, intimate meeting.
Peter brought hardware and we installed eCS 2.1 on it.
Now, Peter's Pentium 200MHz system is ready for production use.
- November, 2013 -
We took at look at
MRTG - The Multi Router Traffic Grapher
MRTG is a tool to monitor the traffic load on network links.
MRTG generates HTML pages
containing PNG images which provide a LIVE visual representation of
this traffic.
It knows how to gather SNMP data from a wild variety of routers and
supports gathering ad hoc data via hook routines.
The hook routines are especially interesting. They can be used report
trends such as process and thread activity or semaphore usage.
While analyzing some issues in his Weasel mail server,
Peter built a threads.exe testcase to investigate the
eCS/OS2 system wide thread limits.
It turned out that the Weasel issue had
nothing to do with thread limits, but
we did discover that applications running in a VIO window
have a 256 thread limit. Interestingly, because the kernel is a
complex beast, Peter's testcase did not die until we
attempted to start 887 threads.
This limit does not apply to full-screen, detacted or PM apps.
As some of you know, we have some problems capturing
system dumps on systems with more than 2GB of RAM.
Steven demonstrated a solution for this problem.
The solution is a set of patched os2ldrs that limited the detected
memory to either 2GB or 512 MB.
Steven has been working on a Tesseract port.
Tesseract is a high performance OCR application.
Steven demonstrated v3.1 what it could do and discussed
his plans to port v3.02.02.
The Q&A session was extra lively. There were so many Q's & A's that
I have already forgetten most of them..
- October, 2013 -
This month we spent some quality time getting Peter's 233MHz Pentium based
system ready for eComStation.
We found that it could boot from CD and it could install eCS 2.1 to the 4GB
SCSI drive.
Unfortunately, we found that the phase 2 reboot hung at OS2DASD.DMD.
Unexpectedly, we found that the DC-390F SCSI BIOS could not to read-verify
the drive.
To make things interesting the system had no diskette drives and no IDE
We have a theory that this might change in the future.
- September, 2013 -
Steven showed us what was new with exceptq.
We took a look at what is available to read DICOM medical images.
The folks from os2world.com have set up a large
OS/2 Open Source repository at github.
We took a quick look at what has been uploaded to the repo.
There is lots of interesting source code for those ready to play.
The subject of Firefox came up,
so we took a look at the bitwiseworks github Firefox repository
to get a feel for the project progress.
This resulted in some questions about source code version control.
Greg and Steven discussed the basics.
Somehow this turned into a discussion of bitbucket and how it can be used.
Since we were discussing source code,
we decided to do some eCS compatibility testing.
We tried a few of Greg's Octave and Python scripts on eComStation.
The results were pretty good. They ran with minimal or no tweaks.
- August, 2013 -
Jerry showed us the Eye-Fi SSD running of
eComStation. We looked at the Java version of the server and Paul's port of
iii. We did not get Paul's port
working, but it looks promising.
- July, 2013 -
Jerry took over the meeting this month.
He showed how rpm/yum can help keep your installed applications up to date.
He also demo'ed the Apache Open Office 4.0 beta and the
latest Java 1.6 Runtime. Both use rpm/yum to install a large
number of dependencies.
- June, 2013 -
We discussed the CUPS install and some of the known install issues.
Steven did a quick overview of some not-so-well-known image processing tools
including Impos/2, TrueSpecra and Embellish.
Jerry started to show us his Java app collection, but we ran out of time.
Our discussion of the highmem kernel also ran out of time.
Maybe next month.
- May, 2013 -
We took a look at xwlan, airboot and the wireless supplicant
because they have all had recent updates.
Just to show we are not totally focuses on eCS/OS2,
there was some Q&A about C startup routines,
the Rostock 3D printer and related Arduino firmwire.
- April, 2013 -
Jerry brought his Toshiba which has some issues.
Some we fixed, some we didn't.
Peter had virtualization questions.
It was relatively quiet, but fun.
You should have been there.
- March, 2013 -
Harry could not make it to the meeting, but we found plenty to play with.
The eComStation 2.2. demo was released and we checked it out.
- February, 2013 -
Harry did part II of his SAMBA for eComStation presentation and
we tried out the install directions on Sheridan's shuttle.
It turns out that the directions are still a work in progress.
However, we were able to get the missing bits installed and
start what appeared to be a working server. More next month.
- January, 2013 -
Harry did part I of his SAMBA for eComStation presentation.
We installed an early eCS 2.2 beta on Bob's system.
The install did not complete, but the system was able to
boot and run, which was not possible with eCS 2.1.
Peter supplied much Q for the Q&A.
- December, 2012 -
Jerry showed us his DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) setup.
Harry demo'ed his sort utility which has some interesting features.
Since everyone knows eCS 2.2 is coming, there were question and answers.
Steven demo'ed his xwlan modifications.
- November, 2012 -
We attempted to install eCS on Bob's Asus P8Z77-V. Steven brought a very
pre-beta eCS 2.2 CD which was supposed to have ACPI 3.21.2 integrated. The
developer (aka Steven) messed up and the CD had the now antique ACPI 3.18
which is known to hang on the P8Z77-V. We fell back to installing Ubuntu and
installing eCS 2.1 into VirtualBox which was effective, but not as
interesting as running eCS on the real hardware.
Jerry demo-ed his WPS-Wizard based MMOS add-ins. Perhaps there will be a
WPI installer in the project's future.
Peter's had some more Virtualization questions and the gallery has some more
Virtualization answers.
- October, 2012 -
We tested Steven's update for the XWP Wireless LAN widgit. It works.
The previously invisible LAN connections are now visible.
Harry started to demo his new applications and then the
hardware gremlins stepped in.
The demo is to be continued.
We spent some more time on Rocky's AMD, but still were not
able to find a working driver for the hardware.
However, Jerry says he may have a solution.
He has a number of known compatible cards in his hardware
collection and will arrange for Rocky to give some of them
a try.
- September, 2012 -
Steven and Bob went to Warpstock and they gave up a review of the
presentations, the people that attended and the some of the events that
We tested a new build of the xwlan plugin. The bad news is that the
scan for hotspots menu continued to show no networks. The good news is that
Steven belatedly discovered that he messed up the test setup and did not
install the DLL that contained the updated code. We will try again next
We had some scheduling issues, so Rocky's AMD system did not get any
significant attention.
Steven is working a some new how-to guides for eCS/OS2. We spent some time
proofing and editing the drafts. It was time well spent.
- August, 2012 - Gone fishing.
- July , 2012 -
Rocky still has no audio on the AMD based eCS 2.1 installation.
This month we learned a bit more with the kernel debugger.
Perhaps some more quality time with the kernel debugger will help
us convince the system to make some noise.
Last month we tested Steven's scanx proof-of-concept replacement for scan.exe.
The results were mixed. It worked for Bob, but did not work for Steven.
This month it seems to work for everyone and reasons unknown.
We had other stuff planned, but that didn't happen.
Wait until after Warpstock.
- June, 2012 -
Bob asked about WPS maintenance, so we did a review of the big many.
Unimaint, checkini, cleanini, xfix, fpos, iconomize and dmt.
We tested scanx. It worked on Bob's system.
For some reason, it did not work on Steven's system.
Tune in next month for more.
Tom asked about his ooOrg document open issue.
We did some testing on Steven's system and were not able to replicate the problem.
However, we did make some suggestions and do a bit of WPS training.
We did some serious kernel debugging on Rocky's silent AMD box.
This is still a work in progress.
We also, did a bit of show and tell about some not-so-well-known eWPS/XWP features.
- May, 2012 -
Someone reported that Steven's mapsymw.pl did not work on Paul's Perl 14.2
build. We did some troubleshooting and found that the @INC variable was
getting built with truncated paths.
It turns out that this issue has been reported as
ticket 515.
Perhaps this will will resolved in Paul's next Perl build.
We finally convinced eCS 2.1 to install on Peter's 770x while preserving the
existing partitions. What we did was hide all volumes except the install
volume. This was enough to keep the installer from complaining about
the partitioning. After the install we unhid the partitions.
We also spent some time with the debugger understanding why the Wireless LAN
Monitor fails to show the available access points at Eastside Christian.
It turns out that there's
a hardcoded 4000 byte buffer and if the SSID list does not fit in this
buffer, no SSIDs are returned. Perhaps we will be able to enlarge this
We tried, but Rocky still has no audio on the AMD box. It has a C-Media 9739
chipset and uniaud contains code to support this chipset, but clearly this is
not quite sufficient.
- April, 2012 -
Peter brought in his 770x and attempted to finish installing eCS 2.1.
Steven neglected to bring his utility CDs, so we were unable to
do a lot of analysis beyond confirming that repeating what was done
last month continued to fail.
Rocky surprised us and brought in his AMD based system unannounced
because it had silent audio. This meant that Steven did not know
he needed to bring in some kernel debugging equipment.
We tried a couple of different Uniaud and C-media builds
but none of these worked any better than the Uniaud version
installed by eCS 2.1.
Sheridan's Shuttle came to the meeting.
It was the only easy system we worked on.
It now has a dual boot setup with AiRBoot booting either
eCS 2.1 or OpenSuse 12.1.
- March, 2012 -
Peter brought in his 770x and the CDs, we will tried to eCS 2.1 on the 770x.
There's something wrong with the existing partitioning and the install failed
very early in the process. Rather than reformatting the drive and
do a clean install we decided to continue investigating next month.
As most of you know, the new wireless setup in the meeting room makes
it appear that there are no available access points according to the
Wireless Lan Monitor.
We discovered why this occurs and have a workaround.
- February, 2012 -
Jerry surprised us with and show and tell of how
he plans to integrate multimedia players such as kmp
into the eCS/OS2 desktop.
Sheridan's Shuttle is temporarily dead, so its eCS 2.1 install
will have to wait.
Steven discovered an odd defect in the klibc pathrewriter.
The command
rsync -n -aiX2 . /tmp
crashes in libc code. We cranked up icsdebug and analyzed.
It turns out to be a fork() issue. The forked() process
does not initialize the path rewriter data structures.
It also turns out be a duplicate of the somewhat hard
to find libc ticket #190.
- January, 2012 -
Steven brought a T770x and attempted a test install of eCS 2.1.
As with Peter's system last month the install failed,
but for different reasons.
The old CD drive seems to have troubles reading today's high speed media.
The current Lucide does not properly handle menu hotkeys.
This works correctly on older versions.
We used PMSPY to analyze the PM message stream to better understand
what has changed.
The PMSPY discussion morphed into a discussion of PM programming and how
message based logic might apply to other seemingly unrelated
- December, 2011 -
Peter brought in his Thinkpad 770x and we attempted to install eCS 2.1 on it.
Unfortunately, we failed for reasons that are not yet clear.
There may have been hardware issues.
We may try again next month.
For some reason time servers continue to be a popular subject so
we talked some more about NTP and related protocols.
- November, 2011 -
Steven did a redo of the eCS 2.1 Presentation he made at
Warpstock 2011 in Raleigh/Durham, NC.
Rocky brought a system that refused to install eCS 2.1 for him.
We tweaked the formatting and updated the MBR for a successful install.
Peter reviewed some aspects of his planned Data Center including
his requirements for virtualization and time server support.
- October, 2011 -
Sheridan showed a small audience what could be done with JavaScript and CSS.
- September, 2011 -
Peter asked that we take another look at Octave, so we did.
We looked at the available releases and did some basic math and plotting.
We also discussed resurrecting the SCOUG Programming SIG.
Steven offered to mentor the members that wanted to
set up usable development environments.
- August, 2011 -
We helped Peter understand how to support multiple development enviroments.
Steven discussed the tcpip32-safe patch.
Steven also reviewed the design of the clonekill utility and
Greg compared clonekill to md5deep.
- July, 2011 -
Much of the discussion at this meeting was fun, but off-topic.
However, we did talk a bit about ACPI, Virtual PC,
Rich Walsh's RUN!, eCS preload computer vendors,
Polarbar and the lpd print server daeon which
do qualify as eComStations and OS/2 related topics.
- June, 2011 -
Steven was going to demo an eCS 2.1 install,
but we ended up doing something a bit more fun.
Thom Brown had a complex system that failed to install eCS 2.1.
He brought it to the meeting and we found workarounds for the issues
and the system is now running eCS 2.1.
- May, 2011 -
Peter discussed the status of his search for a new
compiler toolchain which he will use to develop the next generation
of his investment software.
Steven went to
Warpstock Europe 2011
and had a great time. He talked about what happened and who was there.
He also talked about the
eComStation 2.1 release which was announced at the conference.
- April, 2011 -
Sandy gave us part 2 of his Digital Photography tutorial.
He used the Gimp to show us how to take a raw image from
the camera and adjust it to better match what what the eye sees.
Peter needed to know about math operation speed for various interpreters.
- March, 2011 -
Peter asked about Cloud backups, so we discussed this
and some of the alternatives.
Greg showed us the Amazon Cloud and the Pogo Plug.
We also discussed rsync as a backup solution that can
use either remote servers or LAN mapped drives.
We finished up with a dicussion of the Firefox 4.0b12 beta.
Firefox 4 for eCS/OS2 will be available soon.
- Febrary, 2011 -
All the presenters made it to the meeting this month.
Jerry explained what
QT is and
reviewed some of the ported applications at
QT apps at Netlabs
Bob showed his modified daytime client.
The original daytime port did not support the
Daytime Protocol (RFC-867)
response message format provided by by the
NIST daytimer server.
You can download a copy of the client from
daytime v1.9a.
- January, 2011 -
Plans change. Neither Bob or Jerry made it to the meeting.
However, Peter had questions that needed answering, so we did an extended
Q&A session. Among other things, we discussed what QtLib is and is not and
the implications of IP6 on the eCS/OS2 TCP/IP stack.
- December, 2010 -
Greg showed us the results of his recent attempts at running eCS
under a several different Virtual Machines. Some of you might recall that the
last time we tried this the results were not all that good. This
time the updated versions of the various VMs did much better and we
had some successful installs.
Bob had a system that insisted on booting slow, although it ran fine
once booted. We spent a bit of quality time time with pmdf and the
kernel debugger and tracked track down the reason. There appears to
be a regression in either Danis506.add or Daniatapi.flt that results
in lost interrupts if there is no CD in the CD drive. The workaround
is to insert a CD during boot up.
- November, 2010 -
Peter was (any maybe still is) having performance problems with one of his
DOS apps running in a DOS VDM and asked about profiling options. We reviewed
what was available for eCS/OS2 - non-intrusive, intrusive, ad-hoc.
Bob asked about kernel debugging one of his systems that insists on booting
slow and we made some educated guesses.
- October, 2010 -
Steven previewed the recently released Flash10 preview#2. There was clear
progress from preview#1, although issues remain. Jibjab traps when starting
to play a clip.
Peter asked about flowcharting options. We showed him how to use OpenOffice
as one possible solution. We also demo'ed ArgoUML.
ArgoUML is a UML modeling tool, but is also a very capable charting tool
because a UML tool requires this to be effective.
We took another look at Bob's t42p redraw issues. These seem to be specific
to his notebook and not dependent on whether he uses SNAP or Panarama.
We had some rsync Q&A. Steven demo'ed is BldRsyncCmd REXX script with takes
much of the effort out of constructing rsync command lines.
The question of USB mass-storage speed came up. Steven showed how to use
dfsee to measure read speed. We found that 10 MBytes/sec was about as fast as
any of the USB devices that were at the meeting could go, even with a USB
2.0 connection. USB 2.0 operates at up to 480 MBits/sec so the potential
for 48 MBytes/sec data transfer exists. There's a lot of overhead in the
protocols so achieving this kind of data transfer rate is non-trivial.
- September, 2010 -
We were internet-less, but this only slowed us down a bit.
Steven discussed his Flash10 problems and attempting to use
os2trace to analyze the cause of the failures.
Peter asked for recommendations about copying files from NTFS and FAT32.
Bob discussed this problems with timeset on eCS 2.0.
Greg asked about optimized techniques for copying unique files from older,
smaller drives.
Sheridan reported that the problematic XPC Shuttle is now operating
correctly with a new 1TB hard drive.
- August, 2010 -
Denny Jizba brought his new Compaq cq61-410us laptop to the meeting to
assess if it could run eCS. The answer is no, without a lot of work.
Sheridan brough his XPC Shuttle with a newly installed 1TB SATA drive.
After the drive was erased and repartitioned an eCS 2.0 test install went
reasonably well.
We didn't have much time to test the installed system, but everything
seemed to work.
- July, 2010 -
Jerry demoed
VLC is a new, very capable, cross-platform media player.
Steven demoed the new
Open File Control
also known as the FOC. The FOC adds a number of useful features
to the classic File Open Control.
Bob showed us around some of the geneology sites that he uses.
- June, 2010 -
We had a free-wheeling discussion of eCS 2.0.
Steven did an uneventful demonstration install and
the cautious users that had not yet installed eCS 2.0
asked questions.
- May, 2010 -
Bob showed us how he used NetDrive and the EVFSGUI to
connect his eCS systems with the Buffalo NAS.
how to setup NetDrive and EVFSGUI
for a setup guide.
Jerry showed us some of the eCS compatible NAS boxes in his collection.
Steven did a demo install of an almost eComStation 2.0 GA install CD.
- April, 2010 -
David Azarewicz joined us from San Diego.
He is doing some work on the Uniaud drivers.
Steven gave a getting started
presentation which covered general OS/2 device driver
architecture, building uniaud32 and using
the kernel debugger.
- March 2010 -
Greg showed us his NAS collection. Lots of interesting boxes; some were
even willing to talk to the OS/2 Lan Requester. Some, like its name
implies, were Bufallo-ed by the Requester's attempts to connect.
It seems that many of these boxes are not quite standards compliant
as the LAN Requester understands the term.
We have been told that the eCS Samba client can connect to a
wider variety of NAS boxes, but this is a topic for a future
- February 2010 -
Jerry Rash is working on a new multimedia project which replaces
the default eCS/OS2 multimedia viewers with more capable applications,
such as mplayer and pm123.
Jerry demo'ed the current state of development and reviewed some
of the implementation details.
- January 2010 -
Steven did a redo of lasts month's bootAble presentation using Hayo's
6.4.4 release. This release includes several new features based on
feedback generated from December's bootAble presentation.
Steven installed a hot-of-the-press eCS 2.0 interim RC build CD to a
Thinkpad T42 without incident. Ray also successfully installed the CD to
his laptop. The previous eCS 2.0 RC CD failed to install cleanly
on this laptop, so we have some progress.
- December 2009 -
Steven and Ray showed us how to use bootAble to build various
types of bootable CDs.
We also discovered an interesting side-effect of using the Acronis
boot manager.
It results in parts of eCS/OS2 thinking it was booted from the
volume where Acronis is installed.
- November 2009 -
Bob presented a review of DD-WRT. He described the avialables modes
and discussed where to find cookbook instructions installing the dd-wrt
package and setting up the various modes.
Steven gave a progress report on the "Change Drive Letter" project.
It is still a work in progress.
Steven gave a progress report on the "Clean up the extra Nowwhere Folders"
This project came to be because Sandy had a large number of extra
Nowhere folders on boot volumes and wanted to know how to remove them.
The project is still a work in progress, but is close to completion.
- October 2009 -
We tried again. This time Greg used VirtualBox under Ubuntu.
We got a bit further, but this is still a work in progress.
We experienced the resource.sys trap which is a
known problem.
According to ticket #2250
this is supposed to be fixed for recent eCS 2.0 RCs.
Rocky had a problem installing OpenOffice 1.1.2 on his freshly installed
eCS 1.2r. It is trapping in compform3msc.dll.
He is going to check on the OpenOffice help list and see if anyone
recalls what caused this.
Finally, Ray showed us how he set up dd-wrt to act as a client bridge.
- September 2009 -
Greg's demonstration of installing eCS to Sun's VirtualBox on his Shuttle
X27D turned out to mostly a "PC-BSD Help Desk." VirtualBox refused to start
the VM and we had what appeared to be hardware issues.
Al (Hecht) needed help and got some. We corrected an number of WPS and
application issues, but there is more to do.
- August 2009 -
Steven presented a Warpstock 2009 review.
Everyone that went to New Mexico had a great time.
We continued with our investigation of what is required to move an eCS/OS2
installation to a volume with a different drive letter.
Steven demonstrated a preliminary version of the
ChangeBootDriveLetter.pl Perl script
that will assist in applying the required edits.
- July 2009 -
This month we reviewed using rsync as a backup tool.
We also started to look at how to move an eCS/OS2 install to
a different boot volume.
- June 2009 -
The crew helped Ray understand his WET54G Wireless Bridge.
We got it configured and connected to the wireless network
and the Internet.
Lynn dicussed importing the PEG solitaire sources into the
Developer's Assitant Data Dictionary.
- May 2009 -
Steven showed us how to update the pc5220 broadband wireless
adapter to support a new device.
Stu Updike has a copy of the driver and we are awaiting
a status report.
- April 2009 -
The SCOUG server came to the meeting for a bit of servicing.
The patient is much better now.
We did some scoug.com site update planning.
Lynn discussed his design for the Developer's Assistant,
concentrating on the DD/R requirements.
- March 2009 -
We had a wide ranging Q&A session led by Steven.
Lynn continued his discussion of the Developer's Assistant.
The Programming SIG started to plan some web site updates.
- Febrary 2009 -
Steven showed how to setup and use the SSH to provide secure
telnet access and file transfers to a remote system.
Lynn continued his discussion the Developer's Assistant
concentrating on the interface between the IDE editor and the
backend database.
- January 2009 -
Lynn discussed various aspects of the Developer's Assistant.
- December 2008 -
- November 2008 -
Rocky now has a working printer drivers. The bad data is gone.
Jerry and Steven showed us how to do secure remote access with stunnel, vnc and telnet.
- October 2008 - ???
- September 2008 - Denny Jizba gave the first of his
- August 2008 - Members of the SCOUG Programming SIG discussed
the approach of using an open source version of
FORTH as a means
of evolving toward SL/I and the Developer's Assistant.
- July 2008 - We installed
2.0 Release Candidate 5 on Sandy's Thinkpad.
The install was relatively uneventful but we did find a few issues to
report to the
- June 2008 -
Paul Curtiss
came to town and showed us what his
can do.
- May 2008 - We got Jordan's new A21M to talk to the Internet.
- April 2008 - Lynn Maxson gave us an overview of his latest vision for SL/1.
- March 2008 - Jerry Rash returned to show us a beta of one of his pet projects - multiuser control for eCS/OS2. We also got to see VirtualBox in action.
- February 2008 - Steven Levine led a round table discussion on e-mail filtering techniques.
- January 2008 -
Greg Smith gave us a review of project scheduling tools available for eCS/OS2.
He discussed GanttProject, dotProject and other tools.
- December 2007 - Steven Levine gave us a Warpstock 2007 review.
We also looked at the state of remote desktop solutions for eCS/OS2.
- October 2007 - No meeting this month. Everyone was elsewhere.
- September 2007 - We had fun.
- August 2007 - Allan Hecht showed us how to play bingo.
This was not your average bingo game.
It was bingo done with a big screen and multiple player consoles
run by eCS/OS2 based systems.
- July 2007 - We had fun.
- June 2007 - We had fun.
- May 2007 - We had fun.
- April 2007 - We had fun.
- March 2007 - We had fun.
- February 2007 - We had fun.
- January 2007 - We had fun.
- December 2006 - We had fun.
- November 2006 - We had fun.
- October 2006 - We had fun.
- September 2006 - We had fun.
- August 2006 - We had fun.
- July 2006 - Jerry Rash returned to show an alternative to the PVR PC Video Capture Card for multimedia.
- June 2006 - Tony Butka installed eCS2.0 beta with SMP on his dual CPU Athlon setup.
- June 2006 - Tony Butka installed eCS2.0 beta with SMP on his dual CPU Athlon setup.
- May 2006 - Bob Blair explained window control in PM programming - how multiple windows can be controlled with a single window procedure.
- April 2006 - ePDF is an eCS/OS2 native Adobe Acrobat Distiller, and Sandy Shapiro showed it off. Then, with Harry Motin's assistance, Sandy showed how to build a bootable CD using Hayo Baan's bootAble.
- March 2006 - The eCS 1.2 Media Refresh was our primary focus, but Sheridan George also showed us what JEdit can do.
- Feb 2006 - Jerry Rash showed us what we can do with USB cameras and gphoto.
- Jan 2006 - A little of this and that with Al Hecht and more about web apps, Sheridan George with his solid state disk machine, and the first general meeting Help Desk.
- Dec 2005 - VNC (Virtual Network Computing) was one topic with Steven Levine and Jerry Rash showing it's usefulness; and Al Hecht discussed developing a Web app using Apache, PHP and mySQL
- Nov 2005 - Why not have your own Internet domain? Tony Butka showed what, how, and why.
- Oct 2005 - Sandy Shapiro showed us his wireless networking solution using a WL330g portable device.
- Sept 2005 - We celebrated SCOUG's 12th anniversary with Jerry Rash showing us the eCS 1.2 Media Refresh beta and Greg Smith continuing on porting apps to OS/2 with GCC.
- Aug 2005 - It was all things Mozilla as Steven Levine showed all the new stuff in the latest release of the Mozilla suite.
- July 2005 - Unimaint was front and center as Steven Levine fielded maintenance questions.
- June 2005 - Steven Levine did FM/2 version 3.03, and Greg Smith demonstrated porting C programs from other platforms to OS/2.
- May 2005 - President Tony Butka gave us thorough look at Mozilla Thunderbird.
- April 2005 - Mark Abramowitz showed off how he gets high speed wireless Internet connections everywhere, and Jerry Rash showed gaming with DOSBox.
- Mar 2005 - Ray Davison showed us how he sets up Thunderbird and how to make
effective use of the new filtering capabilities.
- Feb 2005 - Sheridan George showed us at bit more of what Python can do. Tony
put the last Open Office release through its paces.
- Jan 2005 - Bill Ritcher returned to show how Guiffy 6.5 is better than ever.
- Dec 2004 - The SCOUG year always ends with a white elephant raffle and party, but Tony Butka just had to include some more information on fonts (continuing from the month before).
- Nov 2004 - Tony Butka and Steven Levine teamed up to show us all we need to know about fonts in an OS/2 environment.
- Oct 2004 - Tony gave us a tour of the new eCS 1.2.
- Sept 2004 - Scoug's 11th anniversary was celebrated in great fashion, led off by Tony Butka with a demo of 4OS/2.
- Aug 2004 - Peter Skye discussed of the state of the SCOUG server. The group also reviewed what's currently available and recommended for Java. And Steven Levine showed how to use LEX and YACC to create a language parser for your applications.
- July 2004 - Like a lion, Jerry Rash showed off Emperoar TV.
- June 2004 - Jordan Fox loves media, and showed us WarpVision for videos and Z! for music.
- May 2004 - Tony Butka covered Open Office 1.1 and 4OS2.
- April 2004 - Mark Abramowitz showed us ways to use the new Odin Runtime that even the Odin folks didn't think of!
- March 2004 - Guiffy version 6.x was Tony Butka's presentation this month.
- February 2004 - Steven Levine hosted a full scale hands-on help desk.
- January 2004 - Jerry Rash gave us an overview of Innotek Open Office.
- December 2003 - Ray Davison showed us how he manages his computer system with multiple drive trays. And SCOUG members who'd been there reported on news from Warpstock.
- November 2003 - We were between meeting locations, so skipped getting together this month.
- October 2003 - There was no meeting, but Warpstock was is San Francisco and members were encouraged to attend.
- September 2003 - SCOUG's 10th year anniversary party, and a look at all things Mozilla.
- August 2003 - Lynn Maxson gave an overview of PL/1 including its early history, philisophical basis, and support for many many data types.
- July 2003 - Steven Levine presented several OS/2 programs he has updated that were written by Mark Kimes, such as the popular File Manager/2
- June 2003 - Tony Butka led us through the latest Mozilla versions and some of the available plug-ins
- May 2003 - eCS 1.1 was the hot topic with Kim Cheung
- April 2003 - Bill Ritcher brought GUIFFY back to show us lots of new capabilities
- March 2003 - Kim Cheung explained what's in the works at Serenity Systems
- February 2003 - Tony Butka looked at the lastest GhostView and GhostScript
- January 2003 - Greg Smith expanded on December's topic with Open Source: Some Assembly Required
- December 2002 - Lynn Maxson and Bob Blair explored Open Source Issues and Answers
- November 2002 - Dallas Legan showed how he uses the Lynx browser for OS/2 as a companion to his series of articles on Lynx
- October 2002 - Tony Butka covered drivers and other desktop essentials
- September 2002 - for SCOUG's 9th anniversary we looked at browsers while we celebrated
- August 2002 - Steve Schiffman covered
Networking Essentials for a local OS/2 network.
- July 2002 - Multi Media with Java was explained and demonstrated by Terry Warren.
- June 2002 - Michal Necasek gave us a
3-part presentation: The OS/2 Years, SNAP Graphics (formerly SciTech Display Doctor), and Open Watcom.
- May 2002 - Sheridan George showed us how to quickly create
html tables with REXX.
- April 2002 - Rocky Rakijas took us step-by-step through the process of
networking your home.
- March 2002 - Virginia Hetrick schooled us on using Tidy HTML for our web pages. And Harry Chris Motin covered the Open Watcom project, telling us all we need to know for
Getting Started - Open Watcom.
- February 2002 - Bill Ritcher was on hand with GUIFFY, a compare and merge utility for source files, folders, and file trees.
- January 2002 - SCOUG member Zdenek Jizba explained the extensive numerical capabilities of the OS/2 version of APL, APL2. And, Greg Smith talked about AWK as a quick scripting language for OS/2.
- December 2001 - Steven Levine showed us a
CID installation of MCP. Sheridan George provided a tidy comparison between
Python and REXX that everyone found easy to understand. And Gary Wong showed us some of the sites he visits each month to put his
Download! column together.
- November 2001 - Kim Cheung of Serenity Systems gave us a sneak preview of the
Virtual PC developed with InnoTek and based on virtual machine technology from Connectix Corp.
- October 2001 - We celebrated SCOUG's 8th anniversary with a multi-OS/2 install fest.
We began with four essentially identical clean systems and four eager volunteers got to install a different OS/2 flavor. We had eComStation, Warp 4, Convenience Pak, and Warp Server for e-Business, and each was installed with as close to the same configuration and options as possible. They all completed successfully with Warp Server for e-Business leading the pack.
- September 2001 - no meeting
- August 2001 - Steven Levine updated us on where Odin is today including a step-by-step process for installing Odin and getting your Windows 95/98 programs up and running on OS/2. His presentation is on-line for your reference.
- July 2001 - We had an Internet fest with our own Dave Watson
showing us all the latest OS/2 web browsers.
- June 2001 - Jan van Wijk came from the Netherlands to explain his
DFSee file management software
- May 2001 - Kim Cheung and Glenn Hudson of Serenity Systems showed us the practically final eComStation
- April 2001 - The SNMP method of monitoring and maintaining networks was SCOUG member Dallas Legan's topic
- March 2001 - SCOUG member and multi-media expert Jerry Rash showed how he does game emulation on OS/2
- February 2001 - Troubleshooting OS/2 problems was Steven Levine's topic
- January 2001 - An ensemble of SCOUG members led by Carla Hanzlik took a good hard look at SCOUG's past, present, and future
- December 2000 - Kim Cheung of Serenity Systems showed the near-final version of eComStation
- November 2000 - Peter Skye described his methods of using OS/2 for computerized stock and commodity trading
- October 2000 - LinkSys returned to show us more about their routers
- September 2000 - SCOUG's Peter Skye explained the how-to and goals of OS/2 Musclemen
- August 2000 - Simplicity for Java by Data Representations
- July 2000 - DSL on OS/2 with representatives from Verizon (GTE) and LinkSys
- June 2000 - Sundial Systems with version 2.3 of their Mesa 2 spreadsheet
- May 2000 - OS/2 tips and tricks by SCOUG's own Mark Abramowitz
- April 2000 - WiseManager and more with Kim Cheung of
Serenity Systems
- March 2000 - A demo of XFree86 for OS/2 by Tim Katz of
Demand Systems in Camarillo
- February 2000 - The premier of KeyRing/2 with Kevin McCoy of IDK
January 2000 - Back Again/2000 with Brent Bowlby of
- December 1999 - OS/2 Apps We Really Like and Some We'd Really Like by SCOUG's own Mark Abramowitz
- November 1999 - Marketing Warp Expo West by the man who did it, Peter Skye
- October 1999 - Web Page Design by SCOUG member Virginia Hetrick
- September 1999 - our really big bash, Warp Expo West
- August 1999 - Netscape 4.61 by SCOUG Vice President Paul Wirtz
July 1999 - Sundial Systems returns with tidbits on all their products
- June 1999 - Multimedia Madness - OS/2 how-to for all multimedia by SCOUG member Jerry Rash
- May 1999 - Fun, strategy, and tips for playing games on OS/2
- April 1999 -
NetZero with free Internet access will soon have an OS/2 version
March 1999 - Serenity Systems with our own Kim Cheung shows the advantages of WiseManager
- February 1999 - CDS, Inc show off backup software Back Again/2
- January 1999 - SCOUG's Paul Wirtz demos StarOffice from StarDivision
- December 1998 - SCOUG's Mark Abramowitz showed the elections return application he developed for monitoring elections results; and SCOUG's Lynn Maxson explained his Warpicity project
- November 1998 - Our own Steven Schiffman (with assistance from Gary Granat) show how to set up your own home network
- October 1998 - WarpSpeed Computers all the way from Australia with the Graham Utilities
- September 1998 - SCOUG's 5th Birthday and Open House Celebration
- August 1998 - Orange Hill Software previews a new version of their system organization utility, code named "Rover"
- July 1998 - V Communications with System Commander
- June 1998 - SCOUG members compare newsreaders
- May 1998 - Sundial Systems - Feedback session on upcoming products
- April 1998 - SCOUG President Terry Warren - Demonstrates VisualAge for Java
- March 1998 - Sundial Systems - Mesa/2 Version 2.2
- February 1998 - SCOUG Member Mark Abramowitz demonstrates OS/2 and VirtualPC
- January 1998 - SCOUG member Paul Wirtz demonstrates WorkSpace On Demand
- December 1997 - SCOUG Member Terry Warren demonstrates Lotus Smart Suite Beta
- November 1997 - SCOUG Member Herb Wong discusses hard drives & OS/2
- October 1997 - Dadaware - Embellish
- September 1997 - IBM Voice Technology
- August 1997 - MSR Development
- Back Master
- MicroLearn Game Pak II
- July 1997 - SCOUG Open House
- June 1997 - Email Shoot-out by SCOUG members
- May 1997 - Lotus
- April 1997 - Sundial Systems
- Relish
- Relish Net
- Clearlook
- Mesa 2
- RelishWeb
- DBExpert
- March 1997 - A Web Presentation by SCOUG
- February 1997 - Waver Runner Technologies
- January 1997 - Blake Watson
- December 1996 - Deluxe Software
- November 1996
- October 1996 - A member of IBM's elite sales force put the Merlin GA through its paces.
- September 1996 - Sundial Systems
- Relish
- Relish Net
- Clearlook
- Mesa 2
- RelishWeb
- OpenDoc Components
- August 1996 - Innoval
- Post Road Reader
- Post Road Mailer
- WebExtra
- July 1996 - MSR Development
- Back Master
- Microlearn Game Pak II
- June 1996 - Mount Baker Software
- May 1996 - Stardock Systems
- Object Desktop 1.5
- Several games, including Galactic Civilizations
- April 1996 - Orange Hill Software
- Orange Hill Workplace Solution
- March 1996 - SPG Inc
- Feburary 1996 - Vinca
- January 1996 - Synergation
- December 1995 - DUX Software
- American Heritage Dictionary
- Sim City
- November 1995 - Pinnacle Technologies
- Desktop Observatory
- Kid Proof/2
- October 1995 - IBM with Voice Type, voice recognition software
- September 1995 - Hilgraeve came with Hyper Access/6 and KopyKat
- August 1995 - SAS Institute with the SAS System for Information Delivery, and DataMirage Software with LiveWire
- July 1995 - Brad Wardell of Stardock Systems brought us Object Desktop and several games including Galactic Civilizations
- June 1995 - Congratulations to President Rollin Whie on his graduation from UC, Irvine!
- May 1995 - QLogic with their OS/2 supported SCSI cards, and Panasonic with their new optical drive
- April 1995 - Sundial Systems showed Relish, with a special preview of Relish for the PowerPC
- March 1995 - Clearlook Corporation demoed the Clearlook Word Processor
- February 1995 - Stac Corporation brought us Stacker for OS/2
- January 1995 - Artisoft with Lantastic for OS/2, and BT and T with Tax Software for OS/2
- December 1994 - Rollin White showed useful ways to use the Workplace Shell
- November 1994 - The Secure Workplace by Syntegration
- October 1994 - Binary Research showed UniBeam (now LinkWiz from PCX Software), and
Dr. Carol Righi from IBM explained the user interface issues being explored for the on-going development of OS/2
- September 1994 - Rollin White explained the resources available on his bulletin board, CES BBS.
- August 1994 - FTG Data Systems showed PenDirect for OS/2, and Orange Hill Software demoed Icontrol Plus and Essential Utilities for OS/2
- July 1994 - Fifth Generation Systems with their FastBack back-up system for OS/2
- June 1994 - DeScribe Word Processor
- May 1994 - Gary Granat demonstrates the GammaTech Utilities
- April 1994 - IBM's Personal Application System
- March 1994 - SCOUG member Gary Granat demonstrates VisPro/REXX and Matt Bennett demonstrates BackMaster, a tape backup solution from MSR Developement
- February 1994 - VX-REXX by Rob Veitch, Chief Architect and Technical Manager at Watcom
- Jan 1994 - Cut and Paste to DDE - methods for exchanging data between applications
- Dec 1993 - MMPM/2 multimedia extensions for OS/2 by Gene Osten
- Nov 1993 - OS/2 2.1 Applets by Rollin White
- Oct 1993 - Using communications programs with OS/2 by Rollin White
- Sept 1993 - OS/2 overview by Rollin White
- Other vendors:
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