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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
Mr. Know-It-All likes to think of himself as a renaissance man, challenged by everything wonderful around him. His self-appointed goal is to clarify what is cloudy and unintelligible to the rest of us. Toward that end, Mr. Know-It-All seeks our tough questions so that he can help us all be masters of our environment.
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, May 1998
Mr. Know-It-All explains what to do if you are having TCP/IP problems. He also tells you how to ping an Internet site. (5/1/1998)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, April 1998
Mr. Know-It-All gives advice on using the Win32-OS/2 beta. He also explains the differences between T1, T3, SLIP and PPP. (4/1/1998)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, March 1998
When can I get a copy of the Win32-OS/2 software, so I can run Windows 95 programs on my OS/2 machine? Should I upgrade my OS/2 system to the SoundBlaster 64, or is there something better? Mr. Know-It-All tackles these questions. (3/1/1998)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, Dec 1997
Need a rugged case for your computers? Mr. Know-It-All has suggestions. He also tackles the question of converting a small operation into a full-blown LAN on OS/2. (12/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, Nov 1997
Should I write my next big application in C++, which I know, or should I write it in Java? And, does somebody make a switch so I can have just one keyboard and monitor, and switch back and forth to the different machines? Mr. Know-It-All has the answers. (11/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, Oct 1997
Mr. Know-It-All gives advice on organizing drives and partitions and provides information for getting CD's made. (10/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, Sept 1997
Where can I get extender cards, to raise my ISA and PCI cards above the other cards during service or when I'm playing with their switch settings? What about video cards and OS/2? And, using your TV monitor with your PC. These topics kept Mr. Know-It-All busy this month. (9/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, August 1997
Mr. Know-It-All answers the question about what happened to OpenDoc. He also makes suggestions for where to get (8/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, July 1997
Mr. Know-It-All tells us about Pentium processors. (7/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, June 1997
Oh, boy - does Mr. Know-It-All have fun with this one. What to do when you run out of slots in your PC. (6/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, April 1997
Mr. Know-It-All answers two burning questions this month: Does OS/2 have a workaround for
the two-IDE-drive limitation? Can OS/2 support a RAID disk-drive system? (4/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, March 1997
Millisecond timing, local phone service, and keeping up-to-date with video drivers are Mr. Know-It-Alls topics this month. (3/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, Jan. 1997
Mr. Know-It-All explains a little about OpenDoc and tells you how to get summary data from a database faster. (1/1/1997)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All - Dec. 1996
Mr. Know-It-All answers your questions. Does Warp 4 require a Pentium with 32 meg of RAM? And, what are the different kinds of RAM? (12/1/1996)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All
Mr. Know-It-All answers questions about REXX subroutines and data redundancy. (11/1/1996)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All
Mr. Know-It-All answers questions about support for OS/2 on some PCs, IDE vs SCSI on OS/2, and the difference between hardware and software cache. (10/1/1996)
- Dear Mr. Know-It-All, Sept. 1996
This new column answers your tough questions. This month Mr. Know-It-All discusses the need for cache memory on motherboards and the Year 2000 problem. (9/1/1996)