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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
Dave Watson
Dave is a self avowed Internet junkie. He leads SCOUG's Internet SIG and encourages Internet usage at every opportunity. Dave also takes a lot of photos at our meetings!
- OS/2 Browsers
The web browser is becoming more and more integral to our lives, so it makes sense to use one that works well for you. Included with this overview are quick looks at browsers you may want to consider. (8/1/2001)
- AOL - A Quick Look
AOL is a comprehensive Internet tool, especially useful for newbies. But, it's not what we normally think of when we think of a browser for use on OS/2. (7/25/2001)
- Opera - A Quick Look
Opera is the browser to watch says Dave Watson, SCOUG's resident Internet guru. (7/21/2001)
- HotJava - A Quick Look
The HotJava browser from Sun is really intended for software developers, but any system with Java can run it. (7/21/2001)
- Mozilla - A Quick Look
The volunteer developed Mozilla could be our best long term browser solution. (7/21/2001)
- Netscape - A Quick Look
Netscape 4.61 may still be the best all around browser for OS/2 users. (7/21/2001)
- IBM Web Browser - A Quick Look
The IBM Web Browser is the IBM version of Mozilla and only available through Software Choice. (7/21/2001)
- Web Explorer - A Quick Look
Web Explorer is the original web browser for OS/2. How's it doing today? (7/20/2001)
- XWarpzilla - A Quick Look
Want a challenge? The X-windows version of Warpzilla is tough to even get installed... (7/20/2001)
- Can't Get Much Faster than Instant
Instant messaging is an Internet tool that let's you know who's on-line the same time you are, and lets you and your friends communicate with each other in real-time. Author Dave Watson suggests this is a resource OS/2 users could find really useful. (1/22/2001)
- Fast Graphics and Internet Firewalls
Here's a recap of Dave's presentation to SCOUG's General Interest Group in July, complete with all the useful URLs. (7/1/2000)
- Programmable Web
Third in the series on programming for the net, Dave explains how forms work and the use of CGI scripts to enliven a web site. (6/1/1997)
- Embellish Review Update
- The Art of the Web
- Web Beautification
- HTML Artistry
- Programming for the Net
This is the 2nd article in a series on Internet programming methodologies. Most of what we find on the Web is the result of fairly straightforward applications of the language of the Web - Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML. This takes you through the development of a simple web page. (4/1/1997)
- The Secure Workplace
There are a few enhanced security applications available for OS/2. The Secure Workplace for OS/2, from Syntegration, is one of them. Dave found it somewhat cumbersome to use. (10/1/1996)
- Still Not Connected?
Dave suggests it's never too late to get connected. (5/1/1996)
- The Economy Corner: InterCom and NewsTicker
Two economical software products to consider are InterCom (a shareware program that lets you use your OS/2 machine today to talk with your friends over the internet) and NewsTicker (freeware that features a little window that scrolls the latest news headlines and scores). (5/1/1996)
- The Economy Corner: PMWorld and SetClock
- The Economy Corner: Warp Cabinet
- The Economy Corner: Partition Resizer
- PMeyes
Two lively blue eyes follow your mouse pointer around the screen. PMeyes is fun! (6/1/1995)
- PGP - Pretty Good Privacy Secrets
This article will introduce you to powerful tools to help OS/2 users and
their friends keep their secrets safe. It will touch on some important
politics, but mostly focus on the mechanics
of using PGP and a helpful utility from Gibbon Computer Products. Both
have a very reasonable price - free - and are quite easy to install and
use. (5/1/1995)
- Inside the Internet Connection with Warp
- Continuing on the Internet...
You can get a head start with some of the emerging OS/2 software for getting connected. (8/1/1994)
- Avoiding Information Overload While Maximizing Opportunities
Dave loves the Internet! (7/1/1994)