>How the heck do I use this animal?
Hi Tony,
It's been a while since I installed one, but I seem to recall that it's a
self-executing zip file (with an exe extension). If so, just run it.
Then just follow the directions for installing a printer driver:
If you have a printer object but do not have the correct printer driver,
you can install additional printer drivers, or
re-install a printer driver that has been damaged.
To install a new printer driver:
1. Display the pop-up menu for the printer object.
2. Click on Properties.
3. Click on the Printer driver tab.
4. Display the pop-up menu for the printer-driver object.
5. Click on Install.
6. Click on New driver to install a new driver, or click on New device
to select a device that uses the printer
7. To install a printer driver that is on the list:
a) Click on it from the list.
b) Click on Install.
c) If you are logged on to a LAN server and your LAN
administrator has given you access to a shared directory
with printer drivers, OS/2 automatically installs the driver.
Otherwise, ensure that the path in the
Directory field is correct and click on OK.
To install a printer driver that did not come with OS/2:
a) Click on the Other OS/2 printer driver radio button.
b) Insert the diskette containing the printer drivers in drive A
or, if the drivers are on a different drive or
medium, type the appropriate drive and path in the Directory
c) Click on Refresh. The window will display a list of printer
d) Click on one or more drivers. If the driver you need is not
listed, insert another printer driver diskette, or
change the path in the Directory field and click on Refresh
e) Click on Install.
The new printer driver will be created. To customize the properties for
this new printer driver, see Setting Printer
If you have difficulty installing a printer driver that was installed
previously, see Replacing a Printer Driver.
Tip: Many printers can have multiple printer drivers. To obtain the
correct driver for your printer model, scroll the
Printer Driver list.
- Mark
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