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For people who use as your ISP -
I have written a .cmd file in Rexx that processes the IPDialer Log
records (usually c:\mptn\etc\ipdialer.log) and builds a new log
(d:\forever.log in my particular case) with only the current month in it
each time you run the .cmd file.
IPDialer.log is not nice in that it keeps the last 'n' logins and that
may or may not cross the month boundary or include all the logins since
the beginning of the month. forever.log keeps the records from the
first of the month until the first day of the next month, then gives a
one last report and dumps the previous month's records.
For reasons that are too complicated to go into here, I cannot put it on
a BBS, FTP site, or WEB site myself and must ask that nobody else place
it on any BBS, FTP site, or Web site. But, I can pass it out directly
to anybody who asks me for it. So, if you want it, please contact me
\ / Virginia R. Hetrick, here in sunny California
0 Bellnet: 310.206.7588
Oo Email:
Site of the month:
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