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Source: Peter Skye (
An Index Of Articles for Warpstock '98 is now online at
This index and summary covers 18 articles written about the lectures,
vendors and events which comprised Warpstock '98. The index contains
links to each of the 18 articles. The Index Of Articles covers:
- A selection of the lectures which took place, notably The Win32-OS/2
Project by Timur Tabi, the Image "Bill Gates is a bully" lecture by Pete
Grubbs, the lecture on combining Java and C into one executable by Terry
Warren, EPM extensions by Bill Schindler, and Timur Tabi's "Introduction
To Device Driver Programming"
- Lynn Maxson's "A Call To Action" in which he proposed a third-party
rewrite of the OS/2 kernel
- Various vendors and products which appeared on the show floor
including Sundial Systems, Simplicity For Java, Hopkins FBI, Hethmon
Brothers and more
- Commentary on Warpstock '98: "What Went Right, What Went Wrong",
"Quote Of The Convention" and "Impressions"
(I wrote the articles, but Editor Carla made me. - Peter)
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