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Still having problems with that 8.6MB drive. Made a new set of
installation diskettes, copied IBM1S506.ADD, IBMIDECD.FLT and
OS2DASD.DMD to diskette 1. Made sure that SET COPYFROMFLOPPY=1 is in
diskette 1's config.sys.
CMOS recognizes the new drive properly on boot up. However, after
starting the installation, when diskette 1 is inserted the following
message pops up:
S/2 is unable to oerate your hard disk or diskette drive.
The system is stopped. Correct the preceeding error and
restart your system.
Obviously, I'm missing something in the procedure, but it sure escapes
me. CMOS is set to Auto and LBA mode is on.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tony Anton
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