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In <1019433618-0-Info@SYNass.NET>, on 04/21/02
at 10:00 AM, "Info2SYNass.NET" said:
>I am not really sure what is discussed here !?
Jordan is seeing the characters '=20' in some messages. These are side
effect of improperly handled quoted printable (QP) encoding within
messages. A Google search for the term "quoted printable" should get you
lots of detailed explainations.
>But here in Europe / Switzerland we possibly have some different system
>settings from yours in USA ...
>... and I am using Lotus Notes for OS/2 R 4.57h as mailer and its
>behavior is not ever I do like it !
It's not usually a language problem. QP was invented to allow 8-bit
characters to be transported in 7-bit only systems partly to make is
easier to send email with foreign (relative to the US ) characters.
>Could you please explain so that I may be able to correct a
>mistake !?
Hunt around your Notes setting as see what QP options your have.
FWIW, it may not be anything you are doing. There are still some
brain-dead MTA's that auto covert messages bodies to QP and that don't do
it correctly.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.31a #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4
www.scoug.com irc.webbnet.org #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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