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Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 06:42:00 PDT7
From: Steve Carter < >
Subject: SCOUG-General: power adaptor

Content Type: text/plain

Actually, that is a relatively common configuration.
There are piles of "wall-wart" power supplies
at the TRW Swap meet, which, incidentally meets

this coming Saturday

at the SE corner of Marine and Aviation, in Manhattan Beach
starting around 7:15am. All the good deals go early,
but the piles of wall-warts never seem to diminish.

I'm looking for one for an SMC switch I got on the cheap,
so perhaps I can find one for the Barricade. Why else
would anyone get up at 5am on a Saturday?

On 10/19/03, Ray Davison wrote, in part:
> ...
>Just put the one you won back in the raffle,
>and maybe someone, maybe even me, can come up with
>a power supply.
>5V DC, 1A, 5mm connector, center contact positive.


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