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Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 19:24:20 PDT
From: Michael Rakijas < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: SYSINSTX

Content Type: text/plain

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** Reply to note from Fri, 31 Aug 2001 17:45:20 PDT
> Can this be applied retroactively and remedially -- *safely* ? I guess so,
> simce that seems to be what you did.
> Jordan

Normally, when you do an XCOPY /h /o /t /s /e /r /v from a drive that
you boot to, to a drive to which you are "upgrading" assuming HPFS to
HPFS, the system files are supposed to copy with position information in
tact. IOTW, OS/2 should boot to the new drive with no problem when it is
swapped in the old drive's place. That didn't happen for me once
(although I'm not sure why it didn't work, then), which is what prompted
me to do the SYSINSTX again, just to make sure. Of course, that's what
caused the problem for me. However, whatever space was allocated to the
system files then would have reserved the space needed for any
retroactive reissuing of the SYSINSTX command. That's why I wasn't
worried, but I am not sure to what extent one is protected in its
retroactive use where this process was not followed. It's certainly
possible that files occupying the needed space are safely moved but I
can't say for sure whether this happens.



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