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Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 11:18:57 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Ad Zappers

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

The ads really annoy me too, I just never got around to doing anything about it. Then again, maybe 1 out of every 500 of the damn things actually clues me in to something of interest that I might not have known about otherwise.

Ben Archer wrote:

> Yes, please do. I'm on the verge of transitioning from an old AMD K6
> 120 system to something newer running eCS, but even if the new system
> loads these pages, I'd go some lengths to blank out at least some of the
> ads.

O.K., here they are. Appropriately enough, JunkBusters is at:

You'll have to navigate the site to find whatever solution they offered that applied to OS/2. I know they had one, and hopefully they still do.

SuperCache can be found at:

Some folks on the newsgroups used to rave about this one, and trade config. tips. (I may even have saved some of those, but finding it again is always the trick !)

I distinctly recall there being an OS/2 version of this at one time, and may even have a copy of the .Zip somewhere in the dusty archives, but it is probably well out of date by now, since they seem to have gone to Java.

If you install one of these and really like it, let us know.

[Note to Dave Watson: This clearly falls into your I-Net turf. If you have any interest in this subject, and there seems to be some general interest as well, maybe it could be grist for a future presentation, or the browser-tracking coverage you are doing.]



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