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Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 16:52:21 PST7
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Sound Card issues

Content Type: text/plain

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Sandy wrote:

> When I got my AOpen AW320 PCI sound card, sound improved dramatically
> (over the built-in motherboard sound function). Thanks to Harry, Steven,
> Peter and all who helped.
> Wave files, midi files and Win/OS2 all work great.

That's good to hear. I have one of these, and it is probably the leading contender to replace my
old SB sound card, assuming I do proceed with that change. It's rare to still get all of that
support. (What about DOS support, for games 'n such ?) Several sound cards based on one of the
Crystal chipsets reportedly had consistent volume problems, mixer app. problems, or did not support
MIDI. The PCI soundcards that worked in OS/2 were said to have "re-entrant" sound, meaning that you
could have sound in concurrent sessions, whether they happened to be DOS, OS/2, or Win-OS/2. I
never had that with my old SB ISA card. To avoid problems, I turned off all sound for DOS or
Win-OS/2 sessions. So, for example, no opening or closing music for Win-OS/2.

> What broke is the sound effects in PM Fax for OS/2 (V. 3.2 Enh).
> Before, when a fax came in, or finished going out, I would get sounds
> letting me know what was happening. Since I intalled the new sound card,
> the fax program has gone silent. And I miss the signals.

. . .

> Any suggestions for other things I might try?

I don't pretend to be at all knowledgeable in this area, but a few things come to mind. 1) Not that
many later sound cards were fully SB compatible. This probably has more implications for certain
games, but I suppose if a program relied on that functionality . . . . 2) Something that was
formerly found (in a PATH or program object sense) in your prior setup is no longer being found ?
List any lines in your Config.Sys pertaining to the new soundcard, and existing PM Fax app. 3)
There could be some leftover detritus from your previous soundcard in MMOS2.INI. I think this is a
culprit Jerry has commented on several times. There is a school of thought that suggests you redo
your whole MMOS2 setup from scratch, when changing your soundcard. I don't know if that means
re-installing every MM app. or util., but it might. As usual, I'd have everything backed up before
starting this.



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