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Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 21:41:24 PDT
From: Tom Brown < >
To: Help Scoug < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Phantom disk drives

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

I have a home-built clone system consisting of:

ASUS A7V133 mobo
Athlon 900MHz Thuderbird
256 MB RAM
LSI Logic 21002 SCSI adapter
0 - IBM DCHS09W (9.1 GB)
Boot Manager (7 MB)
C: WIN2K (1004 MB) NTFS
D: Warp 4.0 Maint (305 MB) HPFS
E: Warp 4.0 Production (1004 MB) HPFS
Free space (1357 MB)
F: Data (5004 MB) HPFS
2 - Conner CTMS 3200 tape drive
4 - Plextor CD-R PX-W124TS (Drive J:)
5 - Quantum Empire 1080S (1 GB)
Free space (3 MB)
G: Data (1023 MB) FAT
6 - Plextor CD-ROM PX-4XCH (Drive K:)
Matrox G450 32 MB Dual Head PCI video

Warp 4.0 + FP 14

There are NO IDE drives on the system. The IDE adapters are disabled in
BIOS. The Drives folder shows phantom drives H: & I:, but I can't
figure out where they are coming from. I occasionally get error messages
that either H: or I: is not ready. Some programs die when I click to
return to error code to the program. I have been trying to re-install
Warp to the E: drive, but the installation dies with an error on H:.
DFSEE does not see the H: and I: drives. Win2K does not see the H: and
I: drives. FDISKPM does not see the H: and I: drives. OS/2, however,
thinks that they are there!

Ideas anyone? Thanks!

Tom Brown
SCOUG Member
Warp 4.0 + FP15, JAVA 1.1.8
OS/2 system uptime is 0 days 00:06 hours


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