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Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 09:26:14 PDT
From: "mrakijas" < >
To: < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: The big slow down

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

I need some help. While trying to get to debugging a trap
problem, I've hit another hangup. My system has become glacially
slow recently. Everything I do seems to prompt major disk
activity slowing down pretty much everything. I used to run
comfortably at 1280x1024x16M (AMD K6-III, 450, 128 MB RAM) but I
switched 1280x1024x256 and it's still painful. After booting, the
desktop background slowly paints the screen upward. Desktop icons
are placed one or two per second with the entire screen repaints
at least once during the process. If you leave the machine until
the disk is silent, the first mouse movement will cause more disk
activity - not major but I can't remember it doing it before.

Here's what I tried: I cleaned the desktop .INI using Unimaint.
I booted to floppy to delete the swap file for it to create a new
unfragmented one. Changed video resolution. Updated the
motherboard BIOS. Tried defragging the drive with GammaTech (all
HPFS system) but after 3 hours and 60 passes I had to cancel out
of it. It said it got rid of about 2500 extents and I think the
original report had about 7500 (multiple) extents to work on out
of 50000 files. Otherwise, disk integrity looked fine.

There have been no hardware changes recently unless something is
going wrong that I am aware of. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in


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