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Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 16:17:31 PDT
From: Harry Chris Motin < >
To: SCOUG Help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Boot Up Hang

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

OK! I am back with my original question! Is there any way of tracing a
system hang that occurs during the bootup?

I have a hang which occurs whenever it wants to. The system just simply
stops with an empty blue-green desktop and an unmovable little clock
icon in the center. The only thing I can say for certain is that it
appears to occur more often when IDE busmastering is enabled. Therefore,
I've once again disabled it.

The symptoms with regard to: A.) frequency of occurence and B.) what I
have to do get a successful bootup back again, both change over time.
Sometimes I can go for several days without a problem. After that it may
occur at each bootup attempt for a while. To get a successful boot, I've
tried the following things: 1.) changed the OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files
to recently saved versions; 2.) held down the CONTROL and/or SHIFT keys
during bootup (any combination of those two keys); 3.) disabled the
motherboard IDE busmastering; or simply 4.) rebooted. Sometimes one of
these will work and another one won't and vise versa.

When the hang occurs my system responses to absolutely nothing! ALT
CNTRL NUMLOCK NUMLOCK does not work. I have to turn off the computer at
the power strip, because the motherboard ON/OFF switch on the case does
not work when the sytem hangs.

I've tried the following things as far as hardware and software changes
are concerned:

1. Changed out the soundcard to a spare one, same model

2. Switched the video driver from Matrox to SciTech

3. Updated the Award BIOS from 09/2000 to 02/2001

4. Removed everything possible from the START command in the CONFIG.SYS
file (and placed them it the startup folder)

All to no avail. When I switched from Matrox to SciTech, the hang caused
the CHKDSK to run on the next boot attempt. That did not occur before

I have Warp 4, FixPak 15 (kernel 14.062) and an AZZA motherboard with
02/2001 Award BIOS and VIA chipsets.

Anyone have any suggestions for tracing this down? Thanks for any and
all help. This is very frustrating.

H. C. Motin


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