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Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 15:43:43 PDT
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: System Commander

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In <>, on 06/10/01
at 02:57 PM, "J. R. Fox" said:

>None of that stuff (which are files in the directory tree proper, not
>stored in an MBR or PBR), ever gets changed, unless you deliberately edit

To be picky, they do get updated, if SC detects you have made changes to
the them while booted to related OS.

>them in SC's Setup . . . and even then they have backups, which must also
>be attended to. I thought we were talking about a few special sectors at
>or near the beginning of the hard drive, which space was also being used
>by LVM ? Did you mean that SC placed some pointers to the relevant
>files within that space (whatever it's called), which might be in
>conflict with this ?

All I'm saying, is you can't know. LVM places a special signature in some
reserved bytes of the MBR. In addition, as I understand it, LVM uses the
last sector of the boot manager partition to keep track of it's settings
and the drive letter assignements. Daniela and Jan are the experts on
this and we should as them. A problem occurs if SC does not preserve this
information and some other OS decides to use the same areas. I'm not
saying it's going to happen. I'm only saying it needs to be tested to
ensure nothing dies.

To be absolutely safe, SC would need to save and restore these sectors
when switching from and to a LVM aware OS.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.28a #10183 Warp4/FP11 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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