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Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 13:11:11 PDT
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: selective install for networking

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In <>, on 06/28/01
at 10:15 AM, (Sandy Shapiro) said:

>I get a frequent (but not always) Sys 0054 error (System busy or out of
>resources) when I try to access a shared drive on another computer (or
>access a drive on this computer). This computer has a Linksys LNE100 TX

That's an odd one unless you are trying to access shared resources on a
WinXX box that has long file names. There's some magic to convincing
WinXX the tell OS/2 that it supports long file names. Even then it's not
possible to do long file names on all flavors of WinXX.

This really does not sound like your problem.

>At this point I have done the Selective Install for Networking process
>again, but it didn't help anything. So I have ordered another 3Com 3c905
>card from Computer Surplus Outlet. The OS/2 drivers from the 3Com web
>site work fine.

Did you install the Peer fixpak?

The 3COM is a good choice. It's got better performance and better drivers
than the Linksys.

>I guess my troubleshooting techniques are often limited to uninstalling
>and reinstalling software. What are the caveats for redoing Selective
>Intall for Networking?

It depends on the components you want to install. If you attempt to
reinstall Peer after applying MPTS fixes, the Peer install will fail.
There's a work around where you run the peerrmt off the CD and tell it the
leave MPTS alone. That's the worst glitch.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.28a #10183 Warp4/FP11 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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