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Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 21:40:23 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Where to get NICs?

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Ray Davison wrote:
> Where can I get NICs, WITH DRIVERS, and of course cheap.

I've bought them a few times, cheap, at the ACP Computer Swap Meet (you
just missed it). Probably any weekend computer show will have good
deals. I like ACP because it's free parking and free admission. In
other words, *I'm* cheap.

Steven had to fix up one of the text-based control files for a couple of
D-Link NICs I bought last year (DL530TX+, I think). I forget what he
did, but it was an obvious (to him) error that he easily (for him)

If you're not newsgroup-paranoid, try asking what brands and models have
OS/2 drivers on comp.os.os2.networking.misc -- and if you don't like
spam, use a fictitious email address (like raydav@moc.sseccaltni).
Every time I make some newsgroup posts my junk mail increases (I always
use my real address).

> If both the NIC and the hub are able to auto
> select speed, how is speed determined.

Hub: NIC, I want you to use speed "99" (HIGH).
NIC: Error, I never heard of "99" capability.
Hub: NIC, use speed "98" (MEDIUM).
NIC: Error, I never heard of "98" capability.
Hub: NIC, use speed "97" (LOW).
NIC: Okay, I have "97" capability and can do that.

Really. It's automatic hardware "negotiation". The hub tells the NIC
to set its registers to certain values, and if the NIC can't do so it
responds with "ERROR". The hub then tries something else.

- Peter


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