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Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 16:20:07 PDT
From: Tom Brown < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Interpreting Trap error screens

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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OK, I set up the Trapdump on a spare drive. I had NS 4.61 and InJoy 2.30
running as well as a couple of other things that I don't remember. InJoy had
timed out and disconnected, so I clicked the Dial button and it dumped. Here
is what I got from the DumpTrapScreen.cmd:

[F:\]dumptrapscreen -d g:\dumpdata.001
Reading g:\dumpdata.001 05-24-01 15:52:14
Selected 67373 :##01

##0168:fff1f322 - 000e:c322 , 06860642
Selected 536 :Exce

Exception in device driver:
TRAP 000e ERRCD=0000 ERACC=**** ERLIM=********
EAX=00000000 EBX=de6fde6f ECX=000004b1 EDX=00000001
ESI=de6fde6f EDI=fab57af4 EBP=000056d8 FLG=00012206
CS:EIP=0168:f6bbff60 CSACC=c09b CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0030:000055f4 SSACC=1097 SSLIM=000048bf
DS=0160 DSACC=c093 DSLIM=ffffffff CR0=8001001b
ES=0160 ESACC=c093 ESLIM=ffffffff CR2=000004b1
FS=0000 FSACC=**** FSLIM=********
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
Selected 185 :P1=X

How do I use this with THESEUS to find the bad module? Or should I RTFM the
doc for THESEUS?


Steven Levine wrote:

> The best way to capture the trap screen info is with a trap dump. If you
> are not set up for that, get:
> This will allow you to capture the screens from a dump diskette.

Tom Brown
SCOUG Member
Warp 4.0 + FP15, JAVA 1.1.8
OS/2 system uptime is 0 days 00:16 hours


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