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Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 16:17:31 PDT
From: Michael Rakijas < >
To: scoug-help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: trap e cause

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
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** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on Sun, 28 Oct
2001 12:38:49 PDT

> In
> <>,
> on 10/28/01
> at 10:39 AM, Michael Rakijas said:
> >wait (because of the e-mail transition and because I'd like to formulate
> >it succinctly). I could bring it to the general SCOUG help discussion
> >rather than direct it only to Steven if folks want. I didn't think
> I always prefer to keep things on the scoug-help list. First of all the
> traffic is low and second of all you never know when someone else can
> assist/learn.
> Steven

Okay, it's been a rough week but here goes. I'm not really sure that the
formulation here is okay because the questions are intertwining.
Everything is looking good so far. It's looked like my traps have
gone away for the time being but I am a little concerned about the
current state of the system (fixpak wise) and where I go from here.
I thought I wasn't working on 32-bit drivers because I never got
TCP/IP 4.1 since I don't have a Software Choice subscription. I
have been conscientious about my fix application so I have the
latest TCP/IP fix (UN0980) and apparently, the MPTS 8610/8621 fix
series provided me with the 32-bit stack (SOCKETS?). So, while my
trap problem was still taunting me, I was using

3-27-00 2:16p 116224 61 sockets.sys
3-27-00 2:02p 306176 61 afinet.original

Response to the inetver command yielded:

Version numbers of TCP/IP protocol drivers:
AFOS2.SYS: 6.2000
AFINET.SYS: 6.2013

I replace these with what Steven sent me:

3-23-99 8:55a 115712 0 sockets.sys
3-23-99 8:55a 304640 0 afinet.sys

and these did indeed backlevel the drivers as shown in the results
of the inetver:

Version numbers of TCP/IP protocol drivers:
AFOS2.SYS: 6.2000
AFINET.SYS: 6.2002

Meanwhile, the Injoy web site points to fixes for TCP/IP 4.21 and
4.3 for problems they were exposed to (very similar to what I was
experiencing). They pointed to an IBM ftp
site for the fixes. The 4.21 fix is called IC27255.EXE and the 4.3
fix is called IC27649. Their READMEs containing the list of replacement
files they provide are attached at the end of this e-mail.

So the questions become, which SOCKETS/AFINET files should I use?
If you argue that I should continue to use the files that Steven
provided me, answer why I shouldn't use the later fixes below? These
don't seem to be TCP/IP fixes so much as MPTS fixes, no? If you
argue to use the below files, isn't there a problem applying a
TCP/IP fix never having gotten 4.1, 4.2 or even 4.3 version of
TCP/IP installed? I guess I'm worried about the little DLL-style
hell I am creating for myself. I don't expect that one can be
expected to be able to pick and choose versions of files and mix
and match them.

Anyway, thanks in advance for your ideas.


APAR IC27255

A trap occurs in afinet.sys after connecting to the internet through
a dialer and while bringing down the connection.

Start the machine in minimal boot( by hitting alt-f1 when the box os/2
followed by f2)
Make a back up of all the .sys and .sym files in the mptn\protocol
and all the .dll and .sym files in \mptn\dll directory.

Copy the new dll files files to \mptn\dll directory
Copy the new sys files to the \mptn\protocol directory and restart the

9-21-00 6:54p 19604 0 afinet.sym
9-21-00 6:54p 307200 61 afinet.sys
9-21-00 6:54p 19636 0 afinetk.sym
9-21-00 6:54p 306688 61 afinetk.sys
9-21-00 6:54p 15860 0 aflean.sym
9-21-00 6:54p 206336 61 aflean.sys
9-21-00 6:54p 3652 0 afos2.sym
9-21-00 6:54p 13312 61 afos2.sys
9-21-00 6:54p 14396 0 so32dll.dll
9-21-00 6:54p 1412 0 so32dll.sym
9-21-00 6:54p 10964 0 sockets.sym
9-21-00 6:54p 116224 61 sockets.sys
9-21-00 6:54p 11844 0 socketsk.sym
9-21-00 6:54p 124416 61 socketsk.sys
9-21-00 6:54p 19292 0 tcp32dll.dll
9-21-00 6:54p 2036 0 tcp32dll.sym
9-21-00 6:54p 98260 61 tcpip32.dll
9-21-00 6:54p 6388 0 tcpip32.sym
9-21-00 6:54p 14343 0 tcpipdll.dll
9-21-00 6:54p 3716 0 tcpipdll.sym

APAR IC27649 :

A trap occurs in afinet.sys while bringing down a ppp connection.

Make a backup of the sys files from \mptn\protocol directory and
dll files from \mptn\dll directory.

Restart the machine in minimal bootup mode. (i.e. when the machine
is restarting and when a small white box appears on the left top
corner of the screen, hit F1 and then F2).

Copy the new sys files to \mptn\protocol directory and sys files to
\mptn\dll directory

Restart the machine.

15/11/00 4,38p 19652 0 afinet.sym
15/11/00 4,38p 309248 61 afinet.sys
15/11/00 4,38p 19668 0 afinetk.sym
15/11/00 4,38p 308224 61 afinetk.sys
15/11/00 4,38p 15892 0 aflean.sym
15/11/00 4,38p 209920 61 aflean.sys
15/11/00 4,38p 3652 0 afos2.sym
15/11/00 4,38p 13312 61 afos2.sys
15/11/00 4,38p 1566 0 readme
15/11/00 4,38p 64673 0 route.c
15/11/00 4,38p 14397 0 so32dll.dll
15/11/00 4,38p 10964 0 sockets.sym
15/11/00 4,38p 116224 61 sockets.sys
15/11/00 4,38p 11844 0 socketsk.sym
15/11/00 4,38p 124416 61 socketsk.sys
15/11/00 4,38p 19293 0 tcp32dll.dll
15/11/00 4,38p 98332 61 tcpip32.dll
15/11/00 4,38p 14344 0 tcpipdll.dll


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