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Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 09:06:24 PDT
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Non IBM Internet Dialers

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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on 11/06/01
at 07:39 PM, Michael Rakijas said:

>I guess this is the question that confuses me. Entries are added to
>linkup but you're still using the dialer with the parameters and login
>sequence you specify - it doesn't use a different dialer. So, I presume

Linkup has not entries. Only the dialer has entries. All that linkup
does is check if you are connected and, if not, it invokes the dialer.

>AT&T dialer doesn't appear to allow connection to other ISPs, you need to
>know how to get the original linkup.exe, not the fooled one, to work with

TTBOMK, there is only one linkup.exe. However, it can be configured.

>negotiation to accommodate it. If it's the former, you should be able to
>add a connection to IBM's linkup.exe that let's you add the phone number

Linkup does not do connection configuration. :-) All it does is wait for
connections to be made.

>I'm sorry if I'm on the wrong track here but I hope this helps.

Get the number of that train. :-)

Now for the terminally curious, here's how to configure linkup....

Linkup knows the name of two dialers: slippm.exe and dialer.exe. It also
knows to look in tcpos2.ini for the key connection/default_app. In my
case this is set to slippm.exe, so the Alternate dialer radio button is
selected when I invoke linkup. Those that use the IBM dialer will have
the key set to dialer.exe and the IBM Internet button selected.

>> The only way I can do it now is to trick it, as explained
>> above.
>> HCM



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"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.29g #10183 Warp4/FP11.5 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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