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Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 19:41:09 PDT
From: Michael Rakijas < >
To: scoug-help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: trap e cause

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** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on Fri, 2 Nov
2001 20:31:56 PDT

> In
> <>,
> on 11/02/01
> at 04:17 PM, Michael Rakijas said:
> >Everything is looking good so far. It's looked like my traps have gone
> >away for the time being but I am a little concerned about the current
> >state of the system (fixpak wise) and where I go from here. I thought I
> Don't worry. Be happy.

It's all relative for me, unfortunately. I've learned to recognize when I'm
setting myself for a future problem and I've saved myself much time this way.
This just seems like one of those times.

> >So the questions become, which SOCKETS/AFINET files should I use? If you
> Use what works. Just keep records of what you have done in case a fix IBM
> releases in the future disrupts your fix.

Then which do I go with - the fix that overrode my fix or do I backlevel to
redo my fix?

> This is not likely for a Warp4
> system. :-)

Ah, but that's where I am now. I didn't go with 4.1 et al. and I've got a bit
of a Frankenstein now. Because of the relative agony of the frequent traps I
had (I haven't had one since), I certainly am much happier now than I was
before. It's that sense of foreboding that I have.

> >gotten 4.1, 4.2 or even 4.3 version of TCP/IP installed? I guess I'm
> >worried about the little DLL-style hell I am creating for myself. I
> >don't expect that one can be expected to be able to pick and choose
> Why not. This is not windows. The rules differ.

but the phenomenon is the same.

> Steven



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