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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 00:49:58 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Backup to hard drive not allowed ?

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Ray Davison wrote:
> Your directory tree configuration is apparently something
> you control. Is there any good reason all those
> directories have to be in one partition? Have you ever
> considered breaking that into manageable sized chunks?

Good questions. That one big directory is a single large database. I
could split it into multiple databases and teach the software to look in
all the databases until it finds the answer, but I'd sort of like the
system to do what I tell it rather than the other way around. Or I
could move it to its own dedicated partition, but the .zip of it is very
close to the 2GB limitation so in a few months the problem would recur.

Steven L. suggested HPFS386 or JFS, both of which (he claims) don't
have a 2GB file size limitation. I don't know what their file size
limitations are, though. Another research project. I own HPFS386
(comes with Warp Server) and JFS (comes with eCS) but don't have either
installed so I can't test for their maximum file sizes.

The Back Again/2000 people (CDS) did say that they'll have version 3.0
out in a couple of months and it will support hard drive archives
greater than 2 GB. I might just keep XCOPYing until it's available.

- Peter


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