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Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 18:34:29 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Print Servers (SMC)

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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J. R. Fox wrote:
> Sounds like the SMC won't suffice for the 2 workstation,
> 2 printer, all-sharing situation I described. Maybe
> I'd be better off getting them a separate multi-port
> print-server box.

If both workstations will always be on at the same time, you can just
share the printers.

If there is a "master" workstation which will always be on if the second
one is on (for example, if one is running InJoy Firewall), then put both
printers on this "master" and share them.

If either workstation might be on when the other is off and one of the
printers is only used once in a while, then put the heavily-used printer
on the dedicated print server (SMC router) and put the lightly-used
printer on one of the workstations. Power up the workstation with the
lightly-used printer when you have to print. Or use a mechanical switch
box to connect the lightly-used printer to whichever machine needs it.

If either workstation might be on when the other is off and you'll be
doing a lot of printing to both printers, then putting both printers on
dedicated print servers is probably best.

Personally, I'd put one printer on the SMC and the other on a mechanical
switch box ($16 + cables). You can always add another print server
later if you need it.

- Peter


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