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Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 09:31:12 PDT
From: Ray Davison < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: SMC addressing

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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I recently got an SMC7004BR to go with new cable service. The cable
installer got me connected to to a single machine running W95. There
are clear and detailed setup instructions for SMC on W95. Performing
this did not provide connection, the cable installer said he had done
what he came for, which was all I expected, and left.

There is also a setup program which I think does the same thing as
manual setup. Running that did not help.

Tech support at SMC was excellent. I talked to them before I bought the
router and after when it wouldn't connect. The advised fix, which
worked, was to reboot the modem, router and computer. To keep the
system functioning, the advice seems to be never power down the modem
and probably not the router.

There are instructions for setting up a print server, but I have not
tried it yet. Talk to peter.


"J. R. Fox" wrote:
>> > Steve Carter wrote:
> >
> > > In the case of the SMC, that's,
> >
> > That is true if you have the 7004BR version. The newer one (the last one on sale at Microcenter is the
> > 7004ABR. (The BR version's firmware is not being updated any more.) For the ABR the default IP is
> > (add :88 for Netscape users). According to SMC there is a bug in Netscape and better
> > response will result if the port number is added to the IP even if you change the default IP to
> > something else. Firmware versions above 1.3 may have a work around.
> Add " :88 " to what, where ? I bought one of these units while they were on sale at MicroCentre recently,
> but for someone else, and expect to be setting it up for them sometime within the next couple months. The
> folks I got it for run W98, but they do use Netscape. They will have cable modem service, and I would
> assume a floating IP via DHCP. My own firewall box (Sonic Wall) had a manual that was written strictly
> for network administrators and TCP/IP jockeys, and I would not have been able to set it up without
> real-time phone assistance. So I hope this SMC box is a whole lot simpler. Or has much simpler
> instructions.
> Jordan
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