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Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 11:59:41 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Fixed IP DSL

Content Type: text/plain

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Ray Davison wrote:

> I thought fixed IP was no longer available.

In basic DSL accounts, No, so far as I'm aware. I guess the static addresses have become a scarce commodity.
However, if one is able and willing to pay about 5x as much, Pac Bell will still gladly sell you a Business
Level DSL account, with 5 fixed IPs. I think the Up & Down speeds are also faster. This is probably much the
same story with other providers. The main thing is, they don't want you "multiplexing" your base level account
into a full-blown home network, esp. one that is engaged in commercial activities.

> You do not power down the printer?

Several inkjet printer models these days, like my Lexmark Optra 40, do not even give you that option. (How much
$ can the mfr. save by eliminating the Off/On switch . . . ?) The only way to turn them off is to unplug the



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