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Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 12:13:55 PDT
From: Steve Carter < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Realtek 8139 anyone?

Content Type: text/plain

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On 10/6/01, Rocky Rakijas wrote, in part:
>> >Is anybody out there using a Realtek 8139 based network card
>> >successfully under OS/2? One example is the DLink 530TX+, ... of which
>I thought I had the right driver because I downloaded one
>directly from Realtek's site. The URL I used is
>with which an additional annoyance was that it takes Win9X to unpack

Long after sushi, I found the same drivers after a short, independent
search. I, too, had to open them under Win9x (how could they be SO
bone-headed?) and did a file compare to my previous set from July 2001 at
the previous site. Files are identical to those I downloaded last July.

The driver I originally had trouble with was EA-1210.NIF, but I've
lost the not-quite-right version. As I recall, it was a one-character
error, easy-to-spot using a file compare with the RealTek .NIF file you
now have. It was in a line like: DriverName = RTSND$, and was perhaps
as simple as a missing space after the equals sign.

I think I installed the RealTek drivers anyway.

I've got $3 TRW special cards in each of two machines, Win9x
and OS/2. It's been a non-event since installing them. The cards
came bare, without drivers. I used a driver diskette from a simliar,
no-name 8139-based Taiwanese NIC that looked nearly identical (EA-1210).
I had some concerns that this card might be slow, but it seems to be
a full-featured chipset, with none of the processing off-loaded onto
the system, as far as I can tell. It's not like a win-modem or
a win-printer, which would be useless to me, in addition to being
a bad idea. I've still got some free ISA slots and genuine 3Com ISA
NICs, but to get 100MB/s I needed PCI. When the SMC7004 DSL router
recently joined the party, I was happy I'd made that choice, since
it has a 10/100 switch.

>I'm more interested in your other comments since this is
> ...
>I presume in the .NIF file then?
> ...
I believe so.

>I'll be trying the one on the DLink floppy (included with the card) now
>that, lo and behold, the NDIS2\OS2 driver is there. I'll await your
>comments, however.
>> [It's birthday dinner night, so I'm off for spicy tuna rolls.
>> I'll research what I can when I get back, probably late. ]
>You too? Oct. 6th? Me too. I had home made Chicken Kiev, an old
>favorite of mine ... with the kids, it's easier than going out.
>Happy birthday.

Thank you. Now I'm officially a "senior". Rats!

>No rush, but I'm really interested in your experience.
>Thanks in advance. >-Rocky

I missed my birthday mid-week, so I have to play catch-up with
what family I can round-up here on the weekend. Sushi was as
just as good as I'd remembered it. The last time I had Chicken
Kiev was in San Francisco in 1967, shortly before going overseas.
It's been toooo long. I gotta get out more!



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