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Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 10:45:31 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Backup to hard drive not allowed ?

Content Type: text/plain

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Steven Levine wrote:
> >How do you back up to hard drive with compression
> >if you're backing up data which creates an
> >archive file which is more than 2 GB?
> I split the backups into segments based on some
> criteria that makes sense to me. For me, it's
> easier to do with BA2K, but zip supports exclude
> lists so the same technique is possible with zip.

That's good for one or two machines but I want to back up a network and
I don't want to have to manually "administrate" the backup criteria for
the file trees on all the different machines. As the trees grow I'd be
constantly hitting the 2 GB limitation -- and I wouldn't know until a
backup failed, which means I _wouldn't_ have a current backup.

And I just heard from CDS concerning Back Again/2000 (sigh):

"The current version of BA2K cannot make backups
larger than 2 GB to hard drives reliably. We have
a new version that should be released in the next
couple of months that will allow for larger backups
to hard drives. For now you need to break the
backup into portions that are smaller than 2 GB."
- Greg Maiers, CDS Support

> FWIW, other filesystems have larger
> file size limits (i.e. HPFS386, JFS).

Then perhaps I should install HPFS386. I have it (I own Warp Server),
I've just never put it on any machines. I think there's a web site
somewhere that says how to do it.

Or I could move to JFS. I think they've gotten the early bugs out.

Steven, do you happen to know what the maximum file size is for HPFS386
and for JFS?

- Peter


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