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Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 20:25:46 PDT
From: Michael Rakijas < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Realtek 8139 anyone?

Content Type: text/plain

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** Reply to note from Sun, 7 Oct 2001 12:13:55 PDT
> On 10/6/01, Rocky Rakijas wrote, in part:

> >I presume in the .NIF file then?
> > ...
> I believe so.
> >I'll be trying the one on the DLink floppy (included with the card) now
> >that, lo and behold, the NDIS2\OS2 driver is there. I'll await your
> >comments, however.

Okay, I've got the problem fixed. As it turns out, there were two
things going wrong at the same time. It looks like the card that I had
was in fact bad.

The real interesting bit is the driver story. The DFE-530TX+ driver
disk dated Oct. 1, 2000 does not have the OS/2 drivers on them. That's
why I originally went searching the web and found the Realtek 8139
drivers. Trying to load them failed, I believe, because the card was
bad, but I didn't know that at the time. The DFE-530TX+ driver disk
dated Jan. 20, 2000 did in fact have the OS/2 drivers on them, but they
were flawed as you found. The manifestation was that when you tried to
install the driver from floppy, MPTS would not add the "DLink ..." title
to the list of available cards to install. Without that, one can't add
the card to the installed driver list. Comparing the DLink driver with
the Realtek driver seemed to show little difference except that in the
.NIF file, there were more spaces in the Realtek parameter definitions
(specifically, on either side of the = sign), including the driver title
parameter. Adding those back in allowed the driver to be installed
properly. However, it still wouldn't load since the card was bad.
Replacing the card with an identical one fixed the problem. Needless to
say, I'll be looking at DLink's warranty policy since it was a new card.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the help.

> --Steve



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