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Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 22:04:53 PDT
From: Steve Carter < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Print Servers (SMC)

Content Type: text/plain

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On 10/8/01, Jordan Fox wrote, in part:

>Steve Carter replied to me:
>> I did a google search on lpr printing and one of the
>> sites I stumbled across gave me:
>> source:
>> README File for the IBM LPR Remote Printing Client 4 March 98
>> source:
>The latter URL is 404. Other places to look for it ?

It's lower case, instlpr.exe !!!
[Sorry, I got too clever for my own good.]
... and it works here!
It's 817K, and I'll mail it to anyone who asks (privately).

>> ...
>Sounds like the SMC won't suffice for the 2 workstation, 2
>printer, all-sharing situation I described.

But 1+2=3, and you get four from the SMC7004! One input port
and FOUR output ports! The built-in printserver uses a dedicated
parallel connector, leaving an RJ-45 network connection free. You
could have three print servers and two printers, or three computers
and two print servers, as long as you use the built-in SMC print server.

>Maybe I'd be better off getting them a separate multi-port
>print-server box. But it seems as though the add-on piece
>of s/w will be necessary also. If the SMC cd comes with the
>print server for Win-9x, is that going to be proprietary
>& only for the SMC box ?

Maybe, but I'm not sure. I think not, but I didn't test it.
You can have several of these tcp/ip printer apps in any case.
I've got three: SMC, IBM and a Cannon app I tried out, but
don't now use. They don't seem to conflict with each other.

>Do I need a separate print server utility
>(driver) for each workstation ?

You'll have to install the tcp/ip printer application on each Win9x
workstation. Win9x doesn't support TCP/IP printing out-of-the-box.
You might need a different application for each print server,
installed on each Win9x computer that needs to print to it. I
used the SMC application only with the SMC, and the IBM with both
the HP170x and the Digi 3400x.

OS/2 supports TCP/IP printing natively. Nothing extra needed here.

I like the IBM lpr program I referred to. I've used it on two different
print servers, and based on that limited experience, it seems like
it should work on any TCP/IP print server. Remember, Win-printers
will not work on a print server. (They're too stupid.)

>> Each could conceivably have its own lpr program in Windoze,
>> because 'doze 9x doesn't come with it, you have to add it.
>Was that the IBM-Japan download you tried to steer me towards ?

Yes. The application on the SMC CD works fine with the SMC.
I used the IBM lpr for the other print servers. Mabe not necessary,
but it helps me keep them straight.



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