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Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:45:54 PDT
From: Michael Rakijas < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: CD record drive ?

Content Type: text/plain

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** Reply to note from Tue, 18 Sep 2001 11:42:17 PDT
> I'm going to buy a CD recording drive.
> Are there any manufacturers I should stay away from?

In the past, the recommendation for OS/2 users used to be to stick with
SCSI, particularly if you weren't going to use RSJ, which used to be
extremely expensive. That rule has relaxed some since RSJ has become
cheaper and driver patches have been developed that allow CDRecord to
work with IDE drives. I think the main point is to figure out the
software you are going to be using first and then pick the drive later.
(See to
get started on the CDRecord package) I am not as familiar with RSJ and
the IDE software patches, but I don't think you can go too wrong with a
SCSI drive.

> Should I buy the "fastest one" or are there more errors as the speed
> increases?

My Yamaha has been okay although I really can only write at double speed
despite it being a 4x4x16 drive. All the speed ratings need to be taken
with a grain of salt - the realistic or typical speed may be as little
as one half the rated writing speed. YMMV so don't everyone flame me.

> Any other advice?

Yeah. Lobby SCOUG to do a meeting on CD writing software, particularly
those packages based on or related to CDRecord. That's the real bear
for OS/2 users.

> - Peter


P.S. Are you going to take on another project/tangent before you wrap
up some other stuff. (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more - this
e-mail composed in PRM and copied to Netscape mail to send.)


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