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Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 23:06:58 PDT
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Video Resolution

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

My thanks to Peter Skye, Steve Carter, and J. R. Fox for their comments on
this thread and the "Can I use a 19" monitor" thread.

I am embarrrased to say that the comments on the resolution thread
inspired (?) me to try some different ones. Lo and behold, I discovered
that my Matrox driver was not installed properly. So I uninstalled it and
installed a later version (the bios was the latest one) and made some
Matrox recommended changes in DOS program autoexec.bat's to fix another
nagging problem.

Now I can see the size change when the resolution is increased. I am
going to buy the ViewSonic 19" monitor--can't resist the price.
1028xwhatever at 65 colors looks as if it will be readable even to an "El
Blindo" like me.

My excuse for not ascertaining the problem sooner is simple. I have
enough to do, running at 50%, that I only get to my pc every few days,
sometimes once a week. Soooo, I hate to take the time to solve a problem;
I just live with it as long as the box takes in and outputs what concerns
me in some fashion.

It was worth the hours it took me to get the monitor driver right. Thanks
again. -----------------------------------------------------------


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