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Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 00:01:40 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: CD record drive ?

Content Type: text/plain

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Michael Rakijas wrote:
> Are you going to take on another project/tangent
> before you wrap up some other stuff. (Nudge, . . .

No! This is for SCOUG In The Car, which has a lower priority than
SMTPAuth. The ACP computer swap meet is coming up in two weeks and
since it only runs every two months I figured I better trot down there
and buy a drive.

> > Any other advice?
> Lobby SCOUG to do a meeting on CD writing
> software, particularly those packages
> based on or related to CDRecord.

The San Diego OS/2 User Group did a _great_ CDRecord presentation four
months ago. Steve Corwin (their leader) put it on and I learned a lot.
I even took notes, although I haven't seen them in three months, three
weeks and six days.

> Rocky: My Yamaha has been okay
> Steven L: Plexstor and Yamaha are both well regarded.
> Steve C: Plextor and Yamaha

Thanks, guys, Plextor or Yamaha it is. And I need SCSI -- I don't have
any IDE space left in the machine this will go into.

> Steven L: What you want is some form of burnproof technology.
> Steve C: The burn-proof (buffer underrun prevention)
> technology widely available today has a lot to
> recommend it

What is "burnproof technology" -- a large cache on the drive maybe? Or
is that what it's actually called? In other words, am I looking for a
drive with "a big cache" or one with "Burnproof(tm) Technology"?

> I think the main point is to figure out the software you are
> going to be using first and then pick the drive later. (See
> to get started on the CDRecord package)

Thanks for the link. I'm going to use CDRecord -- if I can't get it to
work, I'll get RSJ.

Driver question: Do I need any _new_ drivers for a SCSI CD recording
drive? If I already have a SCSI CD play-only drive, can I just plug in
the SCSI CD record drive or do I need a new driver?

Steve C:
> I've switched over to 80 minute (700MB),
> 12X (150 x12=1800KB/s) media exclusively

Media question: They sell different speeds of media? Do I have to buy
media rated for the maximum speed I want to record at? Any particular
brands/colors/types/speeds I should buy or stay away from?

Thanks again,

- Peter


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