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Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 15:38:28 PDT
From: Michael Rakijas < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: ECS (but really OS/2)

Content Type: text/plain

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** Reply to note from Sun, 23 Sep 2001 11:15:15 PDT
> In <>, on 09/22/01
> at 10:05 PM, Michael Rakijas said:
> >I'm doing. Part of it is that the CONFIG.SYS looks only strangely
> >familiar. I add the FD8XX.ADD file to the second floppy copied from
> >another Warp4 system and add a BASEDEV=FD8XX.ADD statement in the
> >CONFIG.SYS right after the BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD statement just like
> >another system I have with a SCSI card. Clearly, the machine still is
> >not seeing the CDROM drive. It loads a couple of IFS'es but then ends in
> >a spew of error messages, all with the S: drive showing error. What else
> >do I need? Thanks.
> What's the hardware? My experience with older Future Domain SCSI
> controllers is that they do not work well with fast Pentiums.

I suppose this is possible. MB: Tyan 1571S with a P5-166MMX and 48 MB
RAM and 2GB Western Digital IDE drive. The CDROM is a Toshiba 4X SCSI
on a ProSonic SCSI card with a Future Domain 9C50 chip. This chip had
previously been driven by the FD8XX.ADD driver. I know it's not state
of the art hardware but this is just to test out ECS, and Warp 4 has
worked successfully on all these hardware components before (although I
can't remember if assembled in this particular configuration). In fact,
I know I've installed Warp 4 on this drive with this sound card/SCSI
combo before. Could the P5-166MMX be too fast for this? I suppose I
can dig up some alternatives if need be.

> Steven



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