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This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Carla et al:
Attached please find an archive of my SCOUG Watcom presenation
(, 692,832 bytes). I am still not satisfied with my discussion
of the Watcom Debugger, however, it's as good as it going to be, at
least for a while. I'll try to do an update later, when I am not as
To use the presentation unzip it, preserving the internal directory
structure of all the files. Then, double click on the "ADENDA.HTML", or
load it into your favorite browser. The presentation is web
browser-based and there are hyperlinks to all parts of it. Please note
that the presentation is completely self-contained. You do not go on the
Internet. The links that take you to pages that look like the Watcom
website are simply my (close) rendition of the Watcom website.
For those with the Describe word processor, I created the same
presentation in Describe. The Describe filename is: "Installing Watcom
Presentation" (100,061 bytes).
Carla Hanzlik wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Mar 2002 19:56:28 -0800, Harry Chris Motin wrote:
> >Attached please find a not-yet-complete version of my Watcom
> >presentation (
> Hello, Harry.
> I'm hoping to be able to print the April newsletter tomorrow. If so,
> people will have it in their hands by the end of the week. Can I say
> your files are up? Should I say to check for them - they'll be there
> soon? Or, should I tell them to just watch for them?
> Carla
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P.O. Box 26904
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