>Benedict G. Archer wrote:
>> Can someone suggest which newsgroups I
>> might peruse for further information and post
>> questions about porting unix apps to OS/2.
>Steven is correct about the OS2Unix mail list. I don't know if it's
>affiliated with the UnixOS2 web site. Send a message to
>and in the body (and subject line if you want to) put
> subscribe os2-unix
>There used to be an emx mail list ( but I haven't seen
>anything on it in a long time. I sent a query ("help", "lists") to
>majordomo there a few minutes ago but haven't gotten a response.
>("majordomo" is the mail list automation program that most people run.)
>As for newsgroups (your actual question),
> comp.os.os2.programmer.misc
> comp.os.os2.programmer.porting
>might be helpful.
>- Peter
I ran across this while looking through old messages I had bypassed.
Who or what is How does one find out the lists to
which he/it provides access?
>To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
>to "". In the body of the message,
>put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
>For problems, contact the list owner at
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
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