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Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 15:10:10 PST7
From: (Sandy Shapiro)
Subject: SCOUG-Help: REXX Interface to BA2K CLBACK

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>Attached please find a REXX script that I wrote to automate the use of
>the Back Again/2000 commandline backup facility (CLBACK.EXE). It is
>pretty "bullet-proof", I think. It really eases the use of CLBACK.EXE

>To use it you need to do the following:

> 1. Copy it to the same directory as CLBACK.EXE

> 2. Have REXX installed on your system

> 3. Have a color monitor

> 4. Run it as an ordinary REXX program from the commandline (do not use

>When you start it up, it will configure itself and provide you with
>instructions. Try it out and let me know what you think.

Wow, Harry, that is an impressive program.

OK, a few questions:

First, this program puts the backup data file in the root directory of the
drive being backed up, and not on my backup drive. I assume I can just go
into the configuration file and change that? (It looks easy to do).

Second, it doesn't do a compare after the backup. I assume that is also
something I can edit?

Third, I have to backup each partition individually. I currently have a
batch file I have been using to backup five partitions automatically in
sequence. Is there a way I can do that using your program?

Last, the first partition, the "C" drive aborts with :"OS2 API error
code=206(x00ce) Unexpected drive error."

I think that is probably because that is a FAT partition, and I suspect I
can cure the problem by pointing the destination to my backup hard drive
(see the first question).

Also, the configuration part of the program recognized seven partitions
(including my backup drive) and added them to the menu. Is there a simple
way to remove the extra partitions that are being referred to?



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