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I have some questions about Mozilla, which I have just recently begun
trying out. (If there is a .PDF, or some other substantive
documentation on Mozilla, I must have missed it.)
In NS 4.61, if you go to your cache in a timely manner, you can
retrieve any graphics or sound files that may have been temporarily
placed there. They stand out from the random gobbledygook, with file
suffixes like ".JPG" or ".Wav" (One of the things I've enjoyed doing
for a long time is collecting famous sound bites from films, etc.
Ultimately, I'd like to have a pallette of these things, keyed to
certain system events, or the opening & closing of certain app.s.
This will probably require REXX, about which I know nothing, but
that's another topic for another day . . . . ) This is either not
possible or not practical with Mozilla, as nothing in the cache is so
identified, and there is always so much detritus there to sort
through. It may be that these things are no longer cached, or the
Mozilla cache behaves very differently ?
Supposedly, there are some ways to make Mozilla more "NS 4.61 - like"
in the UI. Is there a way to make the Mozilla cache play according to
4.61 rules ?
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