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Hi Steven
Thanks for your answer.
I just won an eBay bid of a new IBM Wireless Network Kit w/
Access Point
with 2 PCMCIA cards for US$ 70 plus one more PCMCIA card for US$
Will give a try with my late X-Mas Wireless Starter Set ;-)
It seems to be elder (#8227 !? ) components !?
Are any hints available to this specific one ?
As for OS/2 I will take ARtem only because they do provide OS/2
drivers !
Speed isn't the matter now ...
... I want to learn of wireless and hope to get my notebook freed
from cables ;-))
Will come back with more questions or perhaps I may report a
possible success !?
Cheers, svobi on 30.12.2002 07.35.32
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Wireless for OS/2
In <1041175058-0-Info@SYNass.NET>, on 12/29/02
at 07:17 AM, "Info2SYNass.NET" said:
>What brands and types are recommended and experienced well
working ?
>What restrictions do I face regarding OS/2 ??
>What do I need to avoid ???
Check the VOICE ( archives.
There have been article written about ArTem and Cisco cards which
seem to work well.
There's also the older IBM wireless cards, but they are much
slower and probably hard
to come by these days.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.35 #10183
Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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