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Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 02:39:47 PST8
From: "Info2SYNass.NET" <Info@SYNass.NET >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: How do I recognize or reset ...

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Hi Steven
Thanks for your hint !

>Oh, you mean the LAN passwords.
>Try USERID and PASSWORD in case you reset them.
>To reset to the defaults replace \ibmcom\accounts\net.acc with
>a pristine copy from the CD. If you pay attention to the
>you can even transplant one from a working machine.

As I mentioned earlier: USERID and PASSWORD were, with lots of
other tryies,
not working ;-(

So I tried to get NET.ACC from the CD ...
... unfortunately PMSEEK also did not find it on the CD ;-((

But searching with PMSEEK I found an NET.ACC from 1996 ...
... and I tried with this one and got access with USERID and
I changed the PWD straightaway to somewhat personally I may
better, again later ;-))

Now after saving this origin NET.ACC on the notebook I copied
from my current desktop system ...
... and have the same users and groups on both systems now ! ;-)))

Unfortunately there is a problem with the REQUESTER now ;-(
Starting takes an eternity and ends with an error message:
NET3062 ;-((

It seems am running from troubles to another troubles ;-(((

How can I completely erase everthing with IBMCOM, IBMLAN and
and reinstall from scratch without destroying the system
generally ?

Can I just delete these directories and their entries in the
and start the INSTALLATION of OS/2 again ?

Any hints and suggestions to get this problem solved are very
welcome ;-)

Regards, svobi

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