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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
Peter commented:
> I've been out of town for most of the past 5 months and haven't kept up
> with this list. I'd like to try this -- does anybody remember the
> Subject name on the message?
Your query implies that past messages to this list are archived somewhere. Is this the case ?
On another list I subscribe to, the more learned participants got tired of reinventing the wheel
(re-answering questions that had been posed & answered a number of times previously), and have just set
up an internal Google-like search engine for that list. The idea being that it will cut down on such
retreads. Reportedly, this search engine is implemented via a Perl script (?), or something of that
nature. I tend to doubt it would be compatible with the list software in use _here_, or else perhaps
we could "borrow" it.
But for sure you need to have archived messages to search through. Theirs go back to around 1989.
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