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Steven replied to me:
> Even though there are no moving parts you can see in a cable, they do
> exist. They are called electrons. They cause heat and that, over time,
> causes the insulation to deteriorate. Also, there's this thing called
> air. The connectors are designed to be relatively airtight, but over
> time, you still get oxidation. Also/2, vibration can loosen up
> connections, over time. Finally, the resistors in the the terminators and
> the connectors deteriorate due to the effects of heat and air. All this
> contributes to noise which makes it harder for the electronics to see the
> data.
From what I could see on this cable, I could not be sure, but it may well be from
Granite Digital, as is the SCSI cable the hard drives are hung off of. If so, it has
a "lifetime warranty." They are supposed to be perhaps the best available. (And I'd
be rather disinclined to send it back to them and wait on a replacement.) Given that
I am on the verge of major upgrades that will see me replacing a number of items in
this box, should your comments be read as an indication that I should seriously
consider replacing this cable, just because 1 out of the 4 devices hung off it
experienced some problems ? Is this a sound move, prophylactically ?
I've no idea who is more correct about this (possible) cable deterioration issue, you
or Peter.
> DAT drives do read after write validation during the write cycle. This is
> what generated the failure report. There are a lot of reasons why this
> might have occured, both hardware and software.
O.K., makes sense. But I'd love to have more of a bead on exactly what the problem
was, so that I might better avoid it in future. However, there are some very
practical limits on how far I'm willing to go in furtherance of determining this.
> we talking about the wear temperature cycles
> cause. Also, the inside of cases are somewhat above room temperature.
> IAC, this all comes under general wear and tear that increases the noise
> in the cables. Fix any one of the problems and the noise probably goes
> below the threshold that causes problems.
Which problems, what fixes ? Assuming I keep this cable through the next upgrade
cycle, we can inspcect connectors, check tightness of connections etc. when the work
is being done. I also hope to improve the level of cooling inside the case, from the
present perfectly adequate up to clearly overkill. (Overkill in regard to computer
specs is my guiding philosophy.) But will that be sufficient ? What would you do ?
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