> >from Theseus (I apologize folks for the enclosure but it's only 14K -
> >thanks for indulging me).
> You want to look at System -> General System -> General System
> Information. Item 20. MAXPRMEM is the maximum amount of private memory
> available to any process. The Linear Memory report shows it, but it's a
> bit harder to see.
Ah, yes. I see now...looks like 294MB when I check now.
> It is interesting to note that:
> is chewing up a lot of address space. It's got:
> beat by a bunch.
Yeah, I see that now that I've deciphered how to read the table. Thinking
about it, I would have transposed the elements so that the process would read
correctly (horizontally) and you'd have a horizontal bar graph rendering. Oh
well. Anyway, I read that SSAVER takes 2A00000 memory. Am I reading this
right? Are we really talking about 42 MB? Yikes! I like it pretty well
through all the machines in the house because it turns power off on all the
green monitors (those with kids know what I'm talking about) but I may have to
reconsider. Is there any reason to believe that most of this is paged out
during normal machine usage and doesn't really affect system usability? I
hadn't really noticed it affecting anything but if it speeds up the machines to
not use so much memory, I'd consider changing - it's not worth that much space.
If so, does anyone have a recommendation for a more compact one with green
> No, it's the trace commands. See:
> Get it up and running using the file open tracepoints. I'll figure out
> the memory trace points are later.
OK. Unexpectedly, it looks like the trace facility was already installed - I'm
not sure why but it seems to work ok. I followed the directions in the file but
I'm not sure I used only the file open tracepoints - I used the codes listed in
your instructions. Enclosed is the formatted trace dump (zipped) after having
tried to run SimTown. (again, apologies folks for the enclosure but it's even
smaller this time). If I've done something wrong, let me know how to do it
> Also, just in case there's some sort of odd interaction, try shutting down
> SSAVER, CCHMAIN and PPM2MON, if you haven't already done so.
I shut down the first two but could not find anything resembling PPM2MON in the
task list. Could that have been running only when I sent out the Theseus run?
In any case, behavior didn't change - it still errors out with not enough memory.
No real surprise there.
> Steven
Thanks again.
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