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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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> >I've done a scan of my system. The word, "os2.lib", exists in the
> >following 3 files:
> Ooooh, the Peter Skye method.
I take it that there is some better way to find out where "os2.lib" is
referenced other than doing a file scan?? Please elucidate! Also, what's
"", or shouldn't I ask?
Thanks for the info on using os2286.lib instead of os2.lib.
Steven Levine wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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> In <>, on 01/16/02
> at 08:08 PM, Harry Chris Motin said:
> >C:\WATCOM\SRC\hello.c. Basically, I'm following the instructions in the
> >following 2 chapters of the Watcom C/C++ Programmer's Guide:
> Repeat after me: these instructions are very old and may not apply to
> Warp3 and Warp4 installations. :-)
> >When I tried to do the same thing, except create a 16-bit application,
> >instead of a 32-bit application, I got the os2.lib error.
> Yes, becase os2.lib is either a typo or something that existed for OS/2
> 2.1.
> >I've done a scan of my system. The word, "os2.lib", exists in the
> >following 3 files:
> Ooooh, the Peter Skye method.
> >Attached please find a copy of the C:\WATCOM\BINW\wlsystem.lnk file.
> >Should I change the reference in that file to os2286.lib? Another
> That's what I've been trying to tell you.
> >alternative might be to copy an os2286.lib file and rename the copy to
> >os2.lib??
> That would work too, but the other way is better.
> Steven
> P.S. You mailer is attachment challenged. The attachment never got here.
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.30a #10183 Warp4/FP15
> #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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